Fatal familial insomnia presenting as psychosis in an 18-year-old man
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Fatal familial insomnia (FFI), a rare autosomal dominant disease exhibiting the PRNP D178N/129 M mutation, is the third most common hereditary prion disease.1 The onset of FFI is in middle to late adulthood. Features of this disease are progressive insomnia, dysautonomia, motor signs, and cognitive disturbances leading to death within 18 months on average. We report a patient with an atypical presentation characterized by an early age and psychiatric symptoms with psychotic and catatonic features.
Case report.
An 18-year-old man was hospitalized for psychotic mood disturbances with catatonic features. From age 13, he regularly used cannabis. He was the first child of three. His sisters, ages 17 and 12 years, and his mother, age 41, were healthy. His father died at age 46 and his paternal grandfather at age 72, both from ruptures of cerebral aneurysm.
Four months before admission, the patient had transient diplopia. Two months later, he developed depressive symptoms with insomnia and nocturnal sweating. He was first treated as an outpatient with tianeptine, loprazolam, and cyamemazine, together with a cannabis withdrawal. He initially felt better, and insomnia resolved. Two weeks before admission, he abruptly exhibited psychomotor excitement with threatening hallucinations, extreme anxiety, and total insomnia. On admission, psychiatric examination showed psychotic symptoms (persecutory …
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