Arthur Van Gehuchten takes neurology to the movies
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Objective: To present the cinematographic production of Arthur Van Gehuchten (1861–1914) and to put this collection into its medical and sociocultural context.
Background: The arrival of Edison’s Kinetoscope (1891) and Lumière’s Cinématographe (1895) provoked the immediate interest of neurologists who foresaw the potential of motion pictures for illustration, research, and teaching.
Results: Arthur Van Gehuchten, professor of anatomy and neurology at the Catholic University of Louvain, was trained as a microscopist and a cytologist. From neuroanatomy, he progressively broadened his interest to neurology. Van Gehuchten was an avant-garde teacher, eager to adopt new visual aids. In 1895, he attended the first cinematographic screenings. Medical cinematography was soon brought into disrepute in European academic circles, when films made by the French surgeon Doyen were copied and shown on fairgrounds. Nevertheless, in 1905, Van Gehuchten began to film neurologic patients. He used this technique extensively to demonstrate clinical signs, to illustrate neurologic diseases, and to document functional evolution following surgery. For decades, these films were screened for medical students by Van Gehuchten’s successors to the chair of neurology. The original nitrate films (more than 2 hours) have been recently rediscovered. They have been restored by the Royal Belgian Film Archive, where they are the oldest Belgian films.
Conclusions: At the beginning of the 20th century, Van Gehuchten built up a collection of moving pictures for teaching purposes. This was one of the first such undertakings. This unique set of films has miraculously survived, and serves as an important archive of nervous diseases and their manifestations prior to the advent of modern therapies.
- Received May 13, 2002.
- Accepted August 9, 2002.
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Letters: Rapid online correspondence
- Reply to Letter to the Editor
- Genevieve Aubert, Universite Catholique de Louvain Bruxelles
Submitted February 25, 2003 - Arthur Van Gehuchten takes neurology to the movies
- Adriano Chio, University of Turin
- Roberto Mutani
Submitted February 25, 2003
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