p。l30.2Pmutation in the lysosomal enzyme geneSMPD1帕金森病的一个危险因素吗
结果:突变频率相似的两组PD患者。的SMPD1p。l30.2Pwas strongly associated with a highly increased risk for PD (odds ratio 9.4, 95% confidence interval 3.9–22.8,p< 0.0001),9/938例PD患者相比,这种突变携带者只有11/10,709控制。
结论:的SMPD1p。l30.2Pmutation is a novel risk factor for PD. Although it is rare on a population level, the identification of this mutation as a strong risk factor for PD may further elucidate PD pathogenesis and the role of lysosomal pathways in disease development.
- AJ=
- 德系犹太人;
- 方差分析=
- 方差分析;
- CI=
- 置信区间;
- GCase=
- 葡糖脑苷脂酶;
- 或=
- 优势比;
- PD=
- 帕金森病;
- SMase=
- 鞘磷脂磷酸二酯酶
戈谢病疾病是最常见的溶酶体储存在德系犹太人(AJ)人口。1它是一种常染色体隐性障碍由突变引起的GBA葡糖脑苷脂酶基因编码溶酶体酶(GCase)。创始人的突变GBA可以检测到1的16德系犹太人,并被证明是帕金森病(PD)的重要危险因素在这个人口2,3和世界各地的其他人群。4,- - - - - -,18
近年来,研究无关GBA表明,溶酶体功能障碍参与PD的发病机制是一个重要的机制。24PD包括α-synuclein的遗传原因,LRRK2、帕金PINK1,DJ1型,ATP13A2编码的蛋白质位于溶酶体或函数在lysosomal-related途径,自噬和mitophagy等。25,- - - - - -,32
我们假设运营商溶酶体储存疾病导致突变可能在更高的患帕金森病的风险。八个创始者突变六,SMPD1,MCOLN1基因是常见的德系犹太人,使这个理想人口测试这个假说。在此,我们报告首次在一群这些突变的协会938年成千上万的AJ AJ PD患者和控制来自以色列和美国。
病人人口包括654连续招募患者PD(2005 - 2009)来自以色列特拉维夫Sourasky医疗中心和284名患者(1999 - 2010)来自贝斯以色列医学中心在纽约,纽约,作为一个复制集(e 1的表首页®网站www.首页neurology.org)。从特拉维夫和纽约的PD患者被诊断出据英国帕金森病运动障碍专家社会大脑银行标准,33并接受了详细的面试确定祖先,家族史的帕金森病及其他运动障碍,表现症状,发病年龄的运动症状。AJ祖先是由自我报告,只有病人报告2 AJ的父母包括在特拉维夫,在纽约3患者2 AJ的父母。家族性帕金森病被定义为至少有一分之一或二级相对PD的诊断。
八3基因突变,六(c。1274_1277dupTATC, c.1421+1 G>C, and p.G269S),SMPD1(p。l30.2P,p。R496l,c。996delC), andMCOLN1(c。406- - - - - -2一个>G and g.511_6943del), were analyzed. In Tel Aviv, 6 mutations were genotyped using Taqman assay in StepOnePlus RT-PCR system (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA; table e-2). TheSMPD1c。996delC mutation was genotyped using the forward primer 5′–ACACCTGTCAATAGCTTCCCTGGCCC and the reverse primer 5′–TTCGGCAGGCAGCCAGGGCTC, followed by国民第四限制性内切酶分析。的MCOLN1g。511_6943del mutation was identified by using a 3-primer reaction. The forward primer 5′ CTGATATAAATGGCAGGCAGCTTTC was designed to target the point of deletion. The second forward primer was 5′ TGGTCAATGTCACCATCCAC, and the reverse primer was 5′ CTCACCGTGCTGGAAGACAC. All detected mutation carriers were genotyped again to validate the presence of a mutation, using a second method. The primers and methods used are detailed in table e-3. Mutation detection in the AJ patients with PD from New York, the confirmation cohort, was done using Tag-It Mutation Detection Kits (Luminex Corporation, Austin, TX) as previously described.20.
数据呈现在文本作为连续变量的均值(±SD)。临床和人口统计学分类变量是在百分比而提出了等位基因频率的范围0 - 1。任何差异组在连续变量进行了测试使用方差分析(方差分析)和χ2或Fisher精确检验被用于比较分类变量。当比较组和少量的个人、非参数克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯使用方差分析。拟合优度检验1自由度应用于寻找任何偏离哈迪温伯格平衡年轻人之间的控制和PD患者筛查六,SMPD1,MCOLN1突变。当比较年轻的群体控制,在线计算器被用来确定优势比(或)和可信区间(CI) (DJR Hutchon计算器)。SPSS软件v . 17 (SPSS Inc .,芝加哥,IL)是用于所有其他数据分析。
的SMPD1p。l30.2Pmutation is strongly associated with PD.
表1细节八德系的创始者突变的频率六,SMPD1,MCOLN1基因在PD患者和控制。Bonferroni调整为多个比较设置截止p值为0.0063。所有8突变的频率相似在PD患者群体从特拉维夫和纽约。没有在统计上有显著差异的突变频率之间的老年人和年轻的对照组,让我们比较年轻的PD患者人群对照组,这代表一个人口平均风险。这种方法以前申请的分析GBA突变。3综合分析表明,3的频率SMPD1突变导致尼曼明显高于PD患者相比,年轻的控件(1.9% vs 0.9%,p= 0.002,费舍尔测试)。然而,每个单独突变的分析表明,只有SMPD1p。l30.2Pmutation was significantly more frequent in patients with PD (1.1% vs 0.1%,p< 0.0001在特拉维夫,0.7%和0.1%,p在复制分析= 0.04,1.0%和0.1%,p< 0.0001的分析相结合,费舍尔或者χ2与叶芝校正测试)。这个突变的或开发PD运营商为9.4 (95% CI 3.9 - -22.8)。其他突变频率的PD患者和控制之间没有显著差异。
窝藏的创始者突变的影响六,SMPD1,MCOLN1基因在运动症状发病年龄(氧化铝)检查在PD患者从特拉维夫Sourasky医疗中心。的氧化铝是计算每个基因及突变,而非使用克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯非参数方差分析相同的突变,由于突变携带者的数量太小,假定正态分布的氧化铝。此外,由于航空公司的LRRK2p。G201年9年代mutation and carriers of Ashkenazi founderGBA突变PD早期的氧化铝,34及其包含在这个结果分析可能的偏见,前后的比较做了两次,不包括这些运营商的分析。没有发现显著差异。表的军医细节不同突变携带者的阳极氧化铝后排除的载体LRRK2和GBA突变(数据包括这些病人没有显示)。航空公司的SMPD1p。l30.2Pmutation (n = 7) had an average AAO of 56.4 ± 16.2, more than 4 years younger than noncarriers, but due to the small number of patients with this mutation this difference was not statistically significant.
这里给出的结果表明,携带SMPD1p。l30.2Pfounder mutation is associated with PD in the AJ population, increasing the risk for developing PD by about ninefold. By studying this genetically homogeneous population, we demonstrated that statistically significant results could be obtained even for a rare mutation such as theSMPD1p。l30.2P,with a carrier frequency of about 1:1,000. Our results further illustrated the importance of the AJ population for genetic studies of PD and other diseases. Since the carrier frequency ofSMPD1p。l30.2Pis probably similar or lower in other populations,20.目前无法估计的作用SMPD1全球突变PD发病机理。然而,这对进一步理解特定的发现是重要机制PD发病机理。
SMPD1编码鞘磷脂磷酸二酯酶1 (acid-sphingomyelinase SMase)、溶酶体酶,裂解的鞘磷脂胆碱磷酸头组生成神经酰胺。p。l30.2P一个mino acid change is a severe mutation that, when inherited from both parents, causes a fatal infantile type A Niemann-Pick disease. The residual activity of p.L302P mutated SMase is dramatically reduced,35导致底物积累和中枢神经系统和其他器官的细胞功能丧失。36我们的结果因此加强积累数据,强调的潜在作用,溶酶体在PD发病机理和溶酶体途径中的关键PD-causing基因的参与。溶酶体是主要的细胞细胞器负责α-synuclein的退化,26路易小体的主要蛋白质聚合,这是帕金森病的病理特点。24
,这是可能的吗GBA- - -SMPD1编码的溶酶体酶,GCase SMase,参与PD发病机制以类似的方式吗?有趣的是,两个共享一个共同的特点:神经酰胺酶乳沟的最终产品。这是之前的假设37缺陷的神经酰胺代谢途径可能参与PD发病机理,可能通过改变的属性和功能溶酶体,这可能导致α-synuclein积累和路易体形成。这个假设是支持的事实PANK2和PLA2G6基因参与神经酰胺代谢引起神经退行性疾病(神经退化与脑铁沉积类型1和2,分别),路易小体也积累。37
一个问题来自我们的研究源于孤立的协会SMPD1p。l30.2Pmutation, while the 2 otherSMPD1突变并不与帕金森病有关。这些调查结果引发p的可能性。l30.2Pmutation might be in linkage disequilibrium with another alteration that increases the risk for PD. It is therefore important to note that in the original description of the p.L302P founder mutation in AJ patients, sequencing of the entireSMPD1cDNA执行,并没有确定任何额外的突变基因。35这些数据排除p之间的连锁不平衡。L302P和其他致病SMPD1编码基因突变,但不能排除这种可能性的非编码基因的突变或遥远的另一个基因的突变。然而,没有一个基因位于3 Mb周边地区这种突变与帕金森病有关。此外,p的复制。l30.2P一个ssociation with PD in 2 independent cohorts in our study demonstrates the importance of this mutation either as causative or as a marker for increased PD risk. Another explanation to consider is the possibility that the p.L302P mutation results in a toxic gain-of-function effect, as suggested for some of theGBA突变与帕金森病有关。38感兴趣的,虽然不显著,c。996delC mutation was also more frequent in patients with PD as compared to young controls (1.96-fold, 5/938 vs 29/10,709), suggesting that studies ofSMPD1突变在其他人群的PD进一步确定这种基因的作用。
Gan-Or博士:设计和概念化的研究中,研究协调,采集的数据,分析和解释数据,统计分析,起草文稿,修改手稿知识内容。Ozelius博士:设计和概念化的研究中,研究协调,采集的数据,分析和解释数据,统计分析,监督的研究,获得资金。和修改手稿知识内容。Bar-Shira博士:研究协调,采集的数据,分析和解释数据,修改手稿知识内容。Saunders-Pullman博士:研究协调,采集的数据,获取资金,和修改手稿知识内容。Mirelman博士:采集的数据和修改手稿知识内容。Kornreich博士:采集的数据,获取资金,和修改手稿知识内容。Gana-Weisz博士:采集的数据和修改手稿知识内容。雷蒙德:女士收购数据和知识内容的修订手稿。Rozenkrantz女士:采集的数据和修改手稿知识内容。 Dr. Deik: acquisition of data and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Gurevich: acquisition of data and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Gross: acquisition of data and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Schreiber-Agus: acquisition of data and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Giladi: design and conceptualization of the study, study coordination, acquisition of data, obtaining funding, and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Bressman: study coordination, acquisition of data, supervision of the study, obtaining funding, and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. Dr. Orr-Urtreger: design and conceptualization of the study, study coordination, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting the manuscript, supervision of the study, obtaining funding, and revising the manuscript for intellectual content.
支持的特拉维夫Sourasky医学中心授予卓越,以色列卫生部首席科学家卡恩基金会(批准号3 - 4893),遗留传统生物医学科学合作计划的以色列科学基金会(格兰特no.1922/08),帝国大厦临床研究培训项目,Marcled基金会,埃德温卡罗琳·利维,约瑟夫和卡罗帝国,NIH-NINDS NS073836。Luminex公司、奥斯丁、TX捐赠MSSM执行研究的工具。
z Gan-Or报告没有披露。l . Ozelius是良性的基本睑痉挛研究基金会的科学顾问委员会,全国痉挛性发声困难协会,和图雷特综合症协会有限公司;被列为一个作者专利re: Torsin, Torsin基因和使用方法,和核酸,诊断的方法和工具DYT6主要扭力肌张力障碍;接收来自国家卫生研究院研究支持和巴赫曼施特劳斯肌张力障碍和帕金森基金会;和接收来自雅典娜版税诊断公司专利申请re: Torsin, Torsin基因和使用方法。答:Bar-Shira报告没有披露。r . Saunders-Pullman是肌张力障碍的医学研究基金会的科学顾问委员会;已经收到了来自国家卫生研究院研究支持/研究所(K23NS047256和K02NS073836),迈克尔·j·福克斯帕金森氏症研究基金会,托马斯·哈特曼帕金森氏症研究基金会,Bachmann-Strauss肌张力障碍和帕金森基金会,Marcled基础。a . Mirelman r . Kornreich和m . Gana-Weisz报告没有披露。d . Raymond接收来自迈克尔·j·福克斯研究支持帕金森症研究基金会,托马斯·哈特曼帕金森氏症研究基金会,Inc ., Marcled基础。 L. Rozenkrantz and A. Deik report no disclosures. T. Gurevich receives research support from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and from National Parkinson Foundation. S. Gross receives research grant support from PerkinElmer Inc. and the NIH and is listed as an inventor on a patent for a potential marker for fetal aneuploidy for which she has received no royalties. N. Schreiber-Agus reports no disclosures. N. Giladi provided consultancy to Teva-Lundbeck, IntecPharma, Neuroderm, and UCB, and receives research support from Michael J. Fox Foundation, National Parkinson Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, and FP7 European Commission. S. Bressman serves on scientific advisory boards for the Bachmann Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation, the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, and the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation; is listed as an author on a patent re: Methods and kits for the diagnosis of DYT6 primary torsion dystonia; and receives research support from the NIH and Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. A. Orr-Urtreger receives research support from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Kahn Foundation, Chief Scientist Israel Ministry of Health, Legacy Heritage Biomedical Science Partnership Program of the Israel Science Foundation, and Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. Go to首页Neurology.org为充分披露。
作者感谢参与的研究对象;Yaritza罗德里格斯,西奈山医学院,技术援助;马克树林,维姬夏克尔克里斯蒂娜Palmese, Naomi Lubarr珍妮Soto-Valencia, Akhila艾耶,Jose Cabassa和安寻找招聘和评估贝斯以色列医学中心的主题。
- 收到了2012年7月20日。
- 接受的最终形式2012年12月10日。
- ©2013美国神经病学学会的首页
再保险:p。l30.2Pmutation of lysosomal enzyme gene SMPD1 is rare in Taiwanese Parkinson's disease
- AviOrr-Urtreger,导演,遗传研究所,特拉维夫Sourasky医疗中心aviorr@tlvmc.gov.il
- 齐夫Gan-Or特拉维夫,以色列
2013年7月18日提交 -
p。l30.2Pmutation of lysosomal enzyme gene SMPD1 is rare in Taiwanese Parkinson's disease
- Ruey-Meei吴,教授,神经学部门,国立台湾大学医院首页robinwu@ntu.edu.tw
- Chin-Hsien林、林Han-I Ruey-Meei吴;台北,台湾。
- 文章
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