调查的16名患者获得摆动的眼球震颤,进一步综述了32例文献报道。在我们自己的三分之二有多发性硬化症的病人,几乎三分之一的脑血管意外或血管瘤和两个与斜视有视神经萎缩。眼球震颤了形式可单眼或双眼,共轭或disconjugate可能包括对单个或多个轴运动。光谱分析是用来描述运动,振幅和频率的估计之间的关系(相干)程度,两只眼睛的动作或一只眼睛的几个轴之间的运动。振荡频率范围从2·5赫兹到6赫兹,与典型的3°和5°之间的振幅。在给定的病人所有的振荡,无论飞机,是高度同步。体细胞上肢震颤,脸和口感与眼球震颤往往是在眼球运动相似的频率。其他眼部症状常见的斜视我们所有患者存在收敛失败。大多数病人也有倾斜偏差或核间眼肌麻痹或两者兼而有之。主要的眼球运动的系统,也就是说,对准目标,追求,视动的和vestibulo-ocular反射可以完好无损。 It is inferred that the mechanism responsible for the pendular nystagmus lies at a level which is close to the oculomotor nuclei so that it can have monocular effects but is not part of the primary motor pathways. It is possible that this mechanism normally subserves maintenance of conjugate movement and posture of the eyes. The periodicity of the nystagmus is likely to arise from instability in a certain type(s) of neurone, for the associated somatic tremors have similar characteristics and yet involve very different neuronal muscular circuitry. Prognosis for cessation of the nystagmus is poor. In five patients with multiple sclerosis it was suppressed by intravenous hyoscine with, however, unacceptable subsequent side effects.