- PMID:25575710
- PMCID:PMC4493167
- DOI:10.1016 / s1474 - 4422 (14) 70251 - 0
发现:229年的研究包括在分析中。发表偏倚分析显示10%的夸大治疗效果。研究报告发表在同行评议期刊更大的效果比未发表的研究(r (2) 9·3%, p = 0·009)。试验结果通常温和:特别是,结合例数十分是6·4 (95% CI 5 * 2 - 8 * 4) serotonin-noradrenaline再摄取抑制剂,主要包括度洛西丁(九14个研究);7·7(6 * 5 - 9 * 4)与;7·2加巴喷丁(5·9-9·21),包括加巴喷丁延长释放和enacarbil;和10·6(7·4-19·0)辣椒素高浓度补丁。三环类抗抑郁药例数十分低,强阿片类药物,曲马多,A型肉毒毒素和待定利多卡因补丁。基于等级,最终所有的证据是中等或高质量治疗除了利多卡因补丁;耐受性和安全性,价值观和偏好更高的局部药物; and cost was lower for tricyclic antidepressants and tramadol. These findings permitted a strong recommendation for use and proposal as first-line treatment in neuropathic pain for tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, pregabalin, and gabapentin; a weak recommendation for use and proposal as second line for lidocaine patches, capsaicin high-concentration patches, and tramadol; and a weak recommendation for use and proposal as third line for strong opioids and botulinum toxin A. Topical agents and botulinum toxin A are recommended for peripheral neuropathic pain only.
NA是阿斯特拉制药公司的顾问委员会或扬声器面板,Adir Servier,礼来,Grunenthal,约翰逊和约翰逊,赛诺菲巴斯德Merieux和辉瑞和研究员的研究由阿斯特拉Grunenthal和阿斯特拉捷利康。RB已经收到了格兰特/研究支持辉瑞,Genzyme, Grunenthal,德国联邦教育和研究(BMBF):德国研究网络在神经性疼痛,NoPain系统生物学和德国研究基金会(DFG)。他已经收到了来自辉瑞发言人酬金,Genzyme Grunenthal, Mundipharma,赛诺菲巴斯德美敦力公司,卫材,莉莉,勃林格殷格翰的发言,阿斯特拉,Desitin,梯瓦制药,Bayer-Schering,默沙东公司和辉瑞公司担任顾问,Genzyme, Grunenthal, Mundipharma,爱力根,赛诺菲巴斯德美敦力公司,卫材,莉莉,勃林格殷格翰的发言,阿斯特拉,诺华,百时美施贵宝,Biogenidec,阿斯利康,默克,Abbvie。RHD获得研究经费来自美国食品和药物管理局和美国国家卫生研究院和补偿活动从Acorda涉及临床试验研究方法,Adynxx,爱力根,止痛剂的解决方案,对,阿斯特拉,阿斯利康,Avanir, Axsome,拜耳,生原体,Bioness,百时美施贵宝,Cardiome, Centrexion,查尔斯顿Chromocell,执行管理委员会,音乐会,第一三共制药,Depomed, Depuy,礼来,Epicept,弯曲,Genzyme, Glenmark, Inhibitex,强生,Lpath, Medicinova,默克公司Metys, MMS控股内克塔,Neura, NeurogesX, Olatec,小野,Periphagen,辉瑞,菲利普斯Phosphagenics,延长,q - m, QRx制药,复活,Relmada,赛诺菲-安万特,柳树,Smith &侄子,索伦托,带刺,武田,塔里,Teva,治疗先锋,氙。NBF已收到从辉瑞发言人的谢礼,Grunenthal, Norpharma,从Grunenthal科研资助,从阿斯特拉咨询费。MH收到礼来的谢礼,Janssen-Cilag,默沙东,Mundipharma,猎户座,赛诺菲-安万特的讲座,从辉瑞谢礼,爱力根,阿斯特拉讲座和咨询,从Abbvie谢礼咨询TSJ得到了辉瑞的谢礼,Grunenthal,阿斯特拉,作为议长猎户座和赛诺菲巴斯德,咨询委员会的参与者或赠款。PK是利洁时Benckizer顾问委员会,并从辉瑞接到扬声器的谢礼。从辉瑞和阿斯特拉KL受到差旅补助。EM报告从理查德Saltonstall慈善基金会资助,美国在进行这项研究的。我已经收到了从辉瑞发言人的谢礼,演讲者的酬金和咨询费用从Grunenthal礼来和Grunental科研资助。 SNR has served on the advisory boards of Purdue Pharma, QRx pharma, Salix Pharmaceuticals, and Shionogi. ASCR has share options in Spinifex Pharmaceuticals. He undertakes consulting for Imperial College Consultants, and has received fees from Spinifex Pharmaceuticals, Astellas, Servier, Allergan, Asahi Kasei, and Medivir. Through EuroPain, ASCR’s laboratory has received funding for research studentships from Pfizer and Astellas. Other recent or current grant/studentship funding for ASCR’s laboratory are: Wellcome Trust (London Pain Consortium), Dunhill Medical Trust, NC3Rs, Westminster Medical School Research Trust, International Association for the Study of Pain, National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia, Derek Butler Trust, Medical Research Council Industrial, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Pfizer/Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (Neuropain). ASCR is a member of the England and Wales Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (varicella subgroup). MR reports personal fees and other from Afferent Pharmaceuticals, Centrexion, Nektar Therapeutics, Xenoport, ViroBay, Chromocell, Adynxx, Lilly, Zalicus, Biogen IDEC outside the submitted work. PS has a patent System and method for detecting pain and its components using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, US Patent 08755862 issued. BHS has consulted for Pfizer and Napp, and received unconditional educational grants from Pfizer to support epidemiological research. MW reports personal fees from Boston Scientific, Jazz Pharmaceutical, Spinal Modulations, Depomed and Inergetics. RB, NBF, KL, TSJ and ASCR are also members of the IMI “Europain” collaboration and industry members of this are: Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Esteve, UCB-Pharma, Sanofi Aventis, Grünenthal, Eli Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim, Astellas, Abbott and Lundbeck. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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