头痛是一个关键的特发性颅内高压症状(IIH)。“头痛归因于颅内高压症”运营诊断标准中包括国际分类头痛疾患,ICHD-2。颅内高压症与肥胖协会建立了几个报告。我们调查的患病率头痛和其主要临床样本的颅内高压症患者的临床特征。可能的存在之间的相关性头痛和身体质量指数(BMI)和颅内压(ICP)水平在一个连续的临床系列研究的患者,在他证实了诊断颅内高压症的证据排除次要形式和ICP增加。不同年龄、BMI和ICP患者与没有头痛,男性和女性之间Mann-Whitney U测试评估。斯皮尔曼相关分析是用来评估年龄之间的关系,BMI和ICP。P值< 0.05被用来设置统计学意义。40岁患者进入研究(9男性,31岁女性;平均年龄39岁,8年,SD 13.2)。 Headache was reported by 75 % patients. Those characteristics which are included in the present international diagnostic criteria for "Headache attributed to IIH" were reported by a remarkable proportion of the studied patients, but not by all. On the other hand, some headache features usually attributed to migraine forms, and which are not among the required criteria were present in some patients: pulsating quality and unilateral distribution of pain in around 20 %, and migrainous associated symptoms in more than 40 % of the sample. According to statistical analyses, no differences were found for age, BMI, and ICP between patients with and without headache. Our results confirmed the strong association between headache and IIH. Although no significant correlations between some of the key features of IIH were found in this study, we suggest that further studies on larger series--possibly with a longitudinal evaluation--are needed, to help clinicians in categorizing different subgroups among IIH patients as well as in identifying the main factors influencing the prognosis of this disorder.
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头痛、麻醉剂使用,和女性特发性颅内高血压处方趋势:以人群为基础的队列研究。首页神经学。2022年8月19日,99 (18):e1968 - 78。doi: 10.1212 / WNL.0000000000201064。在线打印。 首页神经病学》2022。 PMID:35985824 免费的PMC的文章。
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特发性颅内高血压和多发性硬化症重叠。Cureus。2021年7月10日,13 (7):e16305。doi: 10.7759 / cureus.16305。eCollection 2021年7月。 Cureus》2021。 PMID:34381659 免费的PMC的文章。
10月的基础解释视神经头部解剖和流行特发性颅内高血压患者的视神经盘点(IIH)。生活(巴塞尔)。2021年6月19日,11 (6):584。doi: 10.3390 / life11060584。 生活(巴塞尔)。2021年。 PMID:34205357 免费的PMC的文章。