- PMID:15872015
- DOI:10.1093 /大脑/ awh532
自发乐观的病理生理学(UBN)和悲观(DBN)眼球震颤是综述的一些有益的临床结果和实验数据。UBN由于桥的损伤可以造成损伤腹侧被盖束(国立),源自卓越的前庭核(SVN),追逐通过腹侧脑桥和向上传递兴奋前庭信号第三神经核。VTT病变可能导致的相对活动减退驱动电梯的运动肌肉,因此,下行和上行系统之间的不平衡,导致向下缓慢的阶段。结果观察到核间眼肌麻痹表明内侧纵束(MLF)是参与向上和向下的前庭信号的传输。因为没有DBN由于局灶性脑干损伤的临床病例报道,这可能是认为下行前庭信号的传输只取决于MLF,而向上涉及MLF和VTT前庭信号。的主要焦点病变导致DBN影响小脑小叶和/或paraflocculus。显然,这种结构tonically抑制SVN和兴奋性传出束(即VTT)而不是向下的前庭系统。因此,絮片的损伤可能导致SVN-VTT通路的抑制解除,因此,相对多动症的驱动电梯的运动肌肉,导致一个向上缓慢的阶段。UBN也影响尾髓质病变的结果。一个区域在这一地区形成一个反馈回路的一部分参与向上gaze-holding,源自VTT抵押品的分支,包括尾髓质,小叶和SVN,先后。 Therefore, it is suggested that the main types of spontaneous vertical nystagmus due to focal central lesions result from a primary dysfunction of the SVN-VTT pathway, which becomes hypoactive after pontine or caudal medullary lesions, thereby eliciting UBN, and hyperactive after floccular lesions, thereby eliciting DBN. Lastly, since gravity influences UBN and DBN and may facilitate the downward vestibular system and restrain the upward vestibular system, it is hypothesized that the excitatory SVN-VTT pathway, along with its specific floccular inhibition, has developed to counteract the gravity pull. This anatomical hyperdevelopment is apparently associated with a physiological upward velocity bias, since the gain of all upward slow eye movements is greater than that of downward slow eye movements in normal human subjects and in monkeys.
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