TY -的T1对剩余网络语言功能和恢复一致失语症的患者吗?摩根富林明首页-神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1726 LP - 1734 - 10.1212 / WNL。0 b013e31821a44c1六世- 76 - 20 AU -彼得·e·Turkeltaub AU -塞缪尔扰乱盟-凯瑟琳Norise AU -罗伊·h·汉密尔顿Y1 - 2011/05/17 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/20/1726.abstr首页act N2 -目标:如果神经可塑性的变化在研究失语症是一致的,这将意味着相对刻板的复苏可能引导机制的设计更有效的无创性脑刺激治疗。为了解决这个问题,我们进行了荟萃分析功能神经影像学研究慢性中风后失语。方法:功能性神经成像的文章使用在慢性卒中后失语症患者语言任务(n = 105)和对照组(n = 129)被收集。激活似然估计荟萃分析确定的每一组一致的活动领域。功能之间的同源区域被失语症的患者和控制评估通过确定他们是否在相同的实验条件下被激活。结果:控制持续激活左半球语言区域的一个网络。失语症的患者持续激活一些幸免左半球语言节点,新左半球区域,右半球控制受试者的语言网络领域等位的。左额病变患者招募右额下回更可靠的比那些没有。 Some areas, including right dorsal pars opercularis, were functionally homologous with corresponding control areas, while others, including right pars triangularis, were not. Conclusions:The network of brain areas aphasic patients recruit for language functions is largely consistent across studies. Several recruitment mechanisms occur, including persistent function in spared nodes, compensatory recruitment of alternate nodes, and recruitment of areas that may hinder recovery. These findings may guide development of brain stimulation protocols that can be applied across populations of aphasic patients who share common attributes. ER -