TY - MRI的T1 - Diffusion-weighted hyperintensity模式库贾氏症有别于其他快速痴呆JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1711 LP - 1719 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0 b013e31821a4439六世- 76 - 20非盟盟——p·维塔利- e . Maccagnano AU - e . Caverzasi盟R.G.亨利盟——a·哈曼盟c Torres-Chae AU -约翰逊共盟-米勒文学士盟医学Geschwind Y1 - 2011/05/17 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/76/20/1711.abstract N2 -背景:Diffusion-w首页eighted成像(驾车)和fluid-attenuated反转恢复(天赋)MRI具有高敏感性和特异性的克雅氏病(CJD)。然而,没有研究已经证明了MRI如何区分库贾氏症nonprion快速进行性痴呆的原因(npRPD)。我们试图确定库贾氏症的MRI诊断准确性与一群npRPD科目。方法:两个神经放射失明患者诊断评估90年酒后驾车和天赋图像npRPD (n = 29)或朊病毒疾病(零星库贾氏症(sCJD), n = 48,或遗传朊病毒疾病[家族库贾氏症,n = 6, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker n = 7])。31每个半球灰质区域异常hyperintensities进行评估。库贾氏症的可能性评估使用我们以前公布的标准。(结果:灰质hyperintensities驾车比;天赋)被发现在所有sCJD情况下,某些地区优先参与,但永远只在边缘地区,中央前回,很少。在所有sCJD例基底节和丘脑的醉酒驾车hyperintensities,有相关限制扩散(表观扩散系数(ADC)图)。 This restricted diffusion, however, was not seen in any npRPD cases, in whom isolated limbic hyperintensities (FLAIR > DWI) were common. One reader's sensitivity and specificity for sCJD was 94% and 100%, respectively, the other's was 92% and 72%. After consensus review, the readers' combined MRI sensitivity and specificity for sCJD was 96% and 93%, respectively. Familial CJD had overlapping MRI features with sCJD. Conclusions:The pattern of FLAIR/DWI hyperintensity and restricted diffusion can differentiate sCJD from other RPDs with a high sensitivity and specificity. MRI with DWI and ADC should be included in sCJD diagnostic criteria. New sCJD MRI criteria are proposed. ER -