Sudha Kilaru凯斯勒% 0期刊文章% %一个Avital克纳安什洛莫Shinnar % %一个琼Conry丹尼斯Dlugos % %黛博拉·g·Hirtz %一个凤鸣胡锦涛%春燕刘% Eli所罗门l .摩西·m . Mizrahi % %佩吉·克拉克%的特雷西·A .朱丽恩%儿童失神癫痫研究小组% T预处理符号学在儿童失神癫痫发作% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2017%。0000000000004226 % J首页神经病学% P 673 - 679 X % V 89% N 7%目的:确定癫痫儿童符号学与新诊断儿童失神癫痫和评估对短期的治疗结果。方法:参与者进入一个多中心、随机、双盲试验,semiologic特性分析了预处理癫痫的治疗结果的预测因子16至20周的访问。结果:视频1932电记录的失神发作的416名参与者的评估。发作持续时间中位数为10.2秒;电记录的癫痫发作和临床表现发病之间的平均时间是1.5秒。为个别癫痫和参与者,最常见的症状学特征是暂停/凝视(没收95.5%,参与者99.3%),电动机自动性(60.6%,86.1%),和眼睛的参与(54.9%,76.5%)。评分者间信协议电机自动性和眼睛的参与很好(72% - -84%)。可变性的符号学发作甚至在参与者之间高的特性。聚类分析显示4模式(包括眼睛的存在/缺乏参与和电动机自动性叠加几乎无处不在的暂停/凝视)。大多数参与者经历多个集群模式。没有单独个体semiologic特性预测的短期结果。 Seizure freedom was half as likely in participants with one or more seizure having the pattern of eye involvement without motor automatisms than in participants without this pattern.Conclusions: Almost all absence seizures are characterized by a pause in activity or staring, but rarely is this the only feature. Semiologic features tend to cluster, resulting in identifiable absence seizure subtypes with significant intraparticipant seizure phenomenologic heterogeneity. One seizure subtype, pause/stare and eye involvement but no motor automatisms, is specifically associated with a worse treatment outcome.AUC=area under the curve; CAE=childhood absence epilepsy; IQR=interquartile range %U //