TY - T1的手的姿势在中小学推广tonic-clonic痉挛摩根富林明-神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1802 LP - 1805 - 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000003257六世- 87 - 17 AU -詹森·西格尔非盟-威廉·o·泰特姆Y1 - 2016/10/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/87首页/17/1802.abstract N2 -目的:评估和识别手姿势的频率在广义遗传全身性癫痫患者抽搐(专家组)localization-related癫痫(LRE)和nonepileptic攻击(NEA)。方法:我们回顾性分析了98个连续的视频62年广义抽搐病人承认诊断video-EEG监控。人口统计记录,手的姿势都分为范宁,拳交,食指输入指向(奖学金),抓、弛缓性姿态。手的姿势然后兼顾患者之间相比,LRE, NEA痉挛的每个阶段和整个事件。结果:患者LRE, 96%有奖学金,范宁发生在91.3%的专家组(只有在发病),和弛缓性手的姿势出现在恩颐投资的56.0%。拳交,范宁和奖学金的姿势都发生癫痫发作期间经常明显多于在恩颐投资(74.0%比32.0%,p = 0.0003;60.3%比20.0%,p = 0.0005;83.6% vs 12.0%, p < 0.0001). The claw hand posture was present only during NEA, and the flaccid posture occurred significantly more frequently during NEA than during epileptic seizures (56.0% vs 15.1%, p = 0.0001).Conclusions: Distinct ictal hand or finger posturing is present in patients with GGE, LRE, and NEA. The presence of any fisting, fanning, clawing, IFP, or flaccid hand posturing can help distinguish epileptic seizures from NEA. IFP suggests LRE while fanning with evolution suggests GGE. Overall, hand posturing during seizures provides unique information and aids in the differential diagnosis and classification of epilepsy.EMU=Epilepsy Monitoring Unit; GGE=genetic generalized epilepsy; GTCS=generalized tonic-clonic seizures; IFP=index-finger pointing; IP=interphalangeal; LRE=localization-related epilepsy; MCP=metacarpophalangeal; NEA=nonepileptic attacks; PPV=positive predictive value; VEM=video-EEG monitoring ER -