@article {BorlotP2.006作者= {Felippe Borlot穆Tellez-Zenteno和安妮塔艾伦o .大镰刀刀柄和丹尼尔·安德拉德},title ={从儿童过渡到成人癫痫患者的护理:考虑从成人(P2.006)},体积={86}={16}补充数量,elocation-id = {P2.006} ={2016},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:我们的目的是评估的复杂性癫痫患者三级中心之间的过渡,并评估神经学家{\ textquoteright}信心在处理儿童癫痫病。首页背景:患有严重慢性癫痫的儿童活得更长,他们最终过渡到成人的卫生保健系统。进一步的研究需要更好的定义被转移的人口和那些假设的资质。方法:18到25岁的患者分为两组:第1组由儿科高等中心的病人;和组2组成社区的病人。临床资料回顾性研究和组比较使用适当的统计数据。我们还创建了一个调查来评估神经学家{\ textquoteright}的信心水平诊断和治疗儿童癫痫病。差异反应进行了比较。结果:第1组包括170名患者,而第二组有132。患者组1早期癫痫发作,癫痫持续时间长(p \ < 0.001),患者有症状的病因,癫痫性脑病,和认知延迟(p < 0.001)。 Group 1 patients required more referrals to other specialties (p = 0.001). Treatment with polytherapy (p = 0.003), epilepsy surgery (p \< 0.001), ketogenic diet (p \< 0.001), and vagus nerve stimulator were more common in group 1 (p \< 0.001). Our survey applied to adult (n = 86) and pediatric (n = 29) neurologists indicated that adult neurologists have lower levels of confidence in diagnosing and treating severe forms of childhood-onset epilepsies (p \< 0.001), as well as epilepsy associated with cognitive delay (p \< 0.001). Conclusions: These findings suggest that patients from tertiary centers present more complex health care needs and require more resources than age-matched patients from the community; and that adult neurologists may not feel prepared to diagnose and treat adult patients with some childhood-onset epilepsies.Disclosure: Dr. Borlot has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tellez-Zenteno has nothing to disclose. Dr. Allen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Snead has nothing to disclose. Dr. Andrade has nothing to disclose.Sunday, April 17 2016, 8:30 am-5:30 pm}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P2.006}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }