% 0期刊文章%安东尼红色%一方Juanzhi马克弗里德曼% %费尔南多Dangond % Patricia Coyle % T磁共振频率和没有疾病活动的证据地位名RRMS患者接受干扰素β-1a SC tiw或干扰素β-1a IM qw:事后分析的证据(P6.190) % D J神经病学2016% % P P6.190 X % V % 86% N 16补充目的:调查没有核磁共振频率如何影响疾病活动的证据(NEDA)状态的患者接受干扰素beta-1a (IFNβ-1a)。首页背景:在证据,名RRMS患者被随机分配到干扰素β-1a皮下注射3 x /周(SC tiw;n = 339)或肌内每周(IM qw;n = 338)平均为64周。在扩展,干扰素β-1a SC tiw病人继续他们的方案;干扰素β-1a IM qw病人转向SC tiw或停止。复发/核磁共振结果干扰素β-1a SC tiw青睐。方法:患者接受6月T2和前置/ post-contrast T1扫描直到星期(W) 24日和T2扫描W48 W72。NEDA W24表示没有复发或eds进展(≥1点增加,持续12周)和Gd +或者只活跃在W24 T2病灶;NEDA W24涉及所有月度T2扫描结果(加上W24 Gd +)。 NEDA* at W48/W72 included absence of clinical activity through W48/W72 and no active T2 lesions on W48/W72 scans; NEDA* up to those timepoints included all 7/8 T2 scans. Results: NEDA was achieved by more IFN β-1a SC tiw than IM qw patients at W24 (59.5[percnt] vs 41.2[percnt]; p<0.001) and up to W24 (43.1[percnt] vs 27.1[percnt]; p<0.001). NEDA* was achieved by more IFN β-1a SC tiw than IM qw patients at W48 (43.3[percnt] vs 31.5[percnt]; p=0.004) and up to W48 (33.2[percnt] vs 18.9[percnt]; p<0.001). Similar NEDA* results were seen at W72 (33.9[percnt] vs 18.7[percnt]; p<0.001) and up to W72 (26.4[percnt] vs 11.1[percnt]; p<0.001). Conclusions: More patients achieved NEDA using single versus multiple scans, indicating a notable relevance of MRI protocol in evaluating disease activity. More stringent NEDA that included more frequent MRIs continued to favor IFN β-1a SC tiw over IFN β-1a IM qw. Study supported by: EMD Serono, Inc., Rockland, MA, USA (a business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany); Pfizer Inc, New York, NY, USA.Disclosure: Dr. Reder has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda, Bayer, Biogen, EMD Serono, Inc., Genentech, Genzyme, Novartis, Pfizer, Questcor/Malinkrodt, Sanofi, and Teva Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Freedman has received research support from Bayer Healthcare and Genzyme. Dr. Fang has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serono, Inc., Rockland, MA, USA, a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. as an employee. Dr. Dangond has received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serono, Inc. as an employee. Dr. Coyle has received research support from Actelion, Biogen, Genentech/Roche, Novartis, and Opexa.Thursday, April 21 2016, 8:30 am-5:30 pm %U