PT -期刊文章盟-亚历山德拉•沃尔盟Dianne Dash AU -韦斯·萨瑟兰盟莉兹白Hernandez-Ronquillo AU -穆泰雷兹Zenteno盟法扎德Moien Afshari TI -验证StatNet脑电图作为诊断的可靠和有效的工具Non-Convulsive癫痫持续状态:第二阶段(P5.011) DP - 2016年4月05 TA -神经病学PG - P5.011 VI - 86 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页t/86/16_Supplement/P5.011.full所以Neurology2016 4月05;86 AB -目的:1。证明的有效性StatNet便携式脑电图系统诊断癫痫和Non-convulsive癫痫持续状态(NCSE)当常规脑电图不可用。2。开发临床标准来确定病人NCSE的风险。背景:NCSE是临床上的显著增加发病率和死亡率。这使得很难没有脑电图诊断。StatNet脑电图描记器提供了一种快速替代常规脑电图,这通常是不可用。方法:从急诊室病人主要是招募。每个病人收到StatNet脑电图和常规脑电图,当可用。 We blinded and compared the studies, assessing delay between the studies, setup time, artifact, and detection of abnormalities using conventional EEG as controls. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney two-sample T-test was used. Results are expressed in mean minutes +/- standard deviation. Inter-observer reliability was assessed by Kappa score. Results: 19 patients were collected. Two StatNet EEGs were not interpretable and were excluded. Mean age is 60y ±21.94y (17-93y range). 68[percnt] (N=13) are male. The inter-observer agreement for detection of any abnormalities is 0.54 (0.18, CI=0.19-0.89) for StatNet EEG and 0.73 (0.18, CI=0.37-1.0) for conventional EEG. Inter-observer agreement for epileptiform discharges was 0.76 (0.22, CI=0.33-1.0) for StatNet EEG and 0.76 (0.16, CI=0.43-1.0) for conventional EEG. Inter-observer agreement for NCSE was 1.00 (0, CI=1.00-1.00) for StatNet EEG and 0.64 (0.32, CI=0.0031-1.0) for conventional EEG, in the single identified case. Statnet Electrode placement is significantly shorter: 13:14±5:24 StatNet EEG vs 18:07±5:35 conventional EEG (p=0.02). Conclusions: There is high inter-rater reliability between the conventional and StatNet EEG groups demonstrating that StatNet EEG is a reliable and effective tool, aiding specifically in early recognition and management of NCSE. The potential exists to decrease associated morbidity and mortality. Once StatNet is validated, we will ask for Health Canada approval to implement a stat EEG pathway.Disclosure: Dr. Voll has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dash has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sutherland has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernandez-Ronquillo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tellez Zenteno has received research support from Ralston Brothers Research Trust. Dr. Moien Afshari has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm