PT -期刊文章盟Sheng-Han郭AU -林Chi-Ying盟杰王盟Jyun-you Liou AU -拉维路易盟近吴盟-耶稣古铁雷斯AU -菲利斯浮士德盟Elan路易TI -脑深部电刺激和攀登纤维突触病理学在特发性震颤(P4.294) DP - 2016年4月05 TA -神经病学PG - P4.294 VI - 86 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页/P4.294.full所以Neurology2016 4月05;86 AB -目的:调查爬纤维(CF)的临床病理的相关性突触病理学和震颤严重特发性震颤(ET)例有或没有脑深部电刺激(DBS)。背景:改变CF-Purkinje细胞(PC) ET小脑突触连接被发现,这些病理改变与震颤严重程度密切相关。还有待调查DBS是否可能导致重组等情况下的CF-PC突触异常脑振荡网络的中断。方法:13等大脑DBS放置和26个年龄等的大脑没有DBS放置大脑从纽约银行(1:2匹配)。行动期间的生活,严重地震的胳膊和手被评为(总震颤评分(TTS)(范围0-36))。在星展银行的情况下,TTS决心DBS刺激器关闭时。为单边DBS的情况下,我们选择了DBS的小脑半球侧位置。我们执行双重免疫荧光的水泡谷氨酸转运体2型和calbindin石蜡包埋小脑部分可视化CF-PC突触异常,由PC树突& lt CF-PC突触;1μm厚度([percnt] CFPC1)。我们评估之间的关联percnt CFPC1 TTS使用皮尔逊相关系数。 Results: ET cases with DBS and without DBS had similar age of death, gender, disease duration, brain weight, and postmortem intervals. We found that there was a robust, inverse correlation between TTS and [percnt]CFPC1 in non-DBS cases (r = -0.72, p < 0.001). TTS and [percnt]CFPC1 were not correlated in DBS cases (r = 0.33, p = 0.28) Conclusions: We found that in ET cases without DBS, the abnormal CF-PC synaptic number was associated with tremor severity whereas in ET cases with DBS, this association disappeared. Our findings suggested that DBS might change the underlying ET brain circuitry and pathology, rather than merely suppressing the tremor symptoms.Disclosure: Dr. Kuo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wang has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liou has nothing to disclose. Dr. Louis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gutierrez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Faust has nothing to disclose. Dr. Louis has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 19 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm