TY -的T1 -认知-情感网络功能连通性变化女士(P4.164) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP -库托P4.164 AU -巴拉斯盟Sinay Vladimiro AU -帕加首页尼Cassara法蒂玛AU -索尔斯特维斯盟戴安娜布鲁诺AU -卢卡斯Sedeno AU -玛丽亚Roca AU -尼法昆盟-奥古斯汀•Ibanez说Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P4.164.abstract N2 -背景和目的:功能连通性分析允许皮质网络的特征。多发性硬化疾病病理可以断定为断开。此外,突出网络是一种注意力的认知-情感域网络参与及其集成。先前的研究证明损害女士在那些emotional-cognitive突出网络的任务及其相关萎缩´s节点。方法:21名RRMS患者和18名健康对照组10分钟静息状态功能磁共振成像扫描。功能连通性之间的斯皮尔曼timeseries相关)(如压6感兴趣的区域(roi)突出网络:右和左前扣带皮层(ACC),左、右初级躯体感觉皮层(S1),左、右岛叶皮质(IC)。结果:增量之间的功能连通性roi突出网络的MS患者被发现。对前扣带显示hiperconnectivity对S1 (t = 2.53; p = . 01),与左侧岛叶皮质(r = 2.36; p = .02点)和右侧岛叶皮质(r = 2.11; p = .04点)。与此同时,左前扣带显示hiperconnectivity MS患者左岛叶皮质(r = 2.51; p = . 01)左前扣带(r = 2.21; p = . 03)。结论:显示女士的功能连通性hiperconnectivity突出网络的节点之间。 Specifically, these areas included the right ACC and IC widely known as major hubs for the integration of higher cognitive functions (i.e. executive functions) and affective-driven behavior (i.e. social cognition). Although unexpected, functional hiperconnectivity in MS might reflex a compensatory hiperfunction reactive to the already known atrophy of IC and ACC in this disease, a phenomena evidenced for FC of other neurologic diseases.Disclosure: Dr. Blas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sinay has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fatima has nothing to disclose. Dr. Esteves has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bruno has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sedeño has nothing to disclose. Dr. Roca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Manes has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ibañez has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 19 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ER -