TY -的T1 -跟踪失语症的发展主要进步言语失用症:一个Tensor-Based形态测量学研究(P4.032) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - P4.032盟詹妮弗Whitwell AU -约瑟夫·达菲盟Edythe链非盟-玛丽Machulda AU首页 -希瑟·克拉克盟-马修Senjem AU -安东尼Spychalla AU -克利福德杰克盟-基思·约瑟夫Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P4.032.abstract N2 -目的:探讨神经解剖学的相关agrammatic失语症的发展的主要进步言语失用症(PPAOS)。背景:原发性进行性言语失用症是一种神经退行性运动语言障碍,其特征是孤立的言语失用症。随着时间的推移,一些PPAOS患者发展agrammatic失语,而他人的言语失用症仍然是唯一的特性。这个纵向队列研究设计提供了一个独特的机会来研究agrammatic失语症的发展。方法:20 PPAOS患者招募到一个纵向研究,并进行了详细的演讲和语言评估MRI体积在两次,大约相隔两年。患者分为那些发达在后续与那些没有失语。失语症的存在被定义为在书面或口语语法缺失。区域的灰质模式随时间变化的评估使用tensor-based形态测量学使用对称的规范化算法从蚂蚁软件包,和SPM5。年化区域计算雅克比使用自动化的解剖标记图谱。结果:9例(45 [percnt])了失语症的后续访问。 The 11 stable PPAOS patients that did not develop aphasia showed greatest rates of atrophy in bilateral supplementary motor area, precentral gyrus and paracentral gyrus. In contrast, the patients that developed aphasia showed greatest rates in precentral gyrus, inferior triangularis, Rolandic operculum, supplementary motor area and subcortical grey matter nuclei, including thalamus and basal ganglia, with greatest changes observed in the left hemisphere. When the two groups were compared directly, the patients that developed aphasia showed significantly greater rates of atrophy in left inferior triangularis, bilateral pallidum and left thalamus, compared to the stable patients. Conclusions:Damage to a network of regions including Broca’s area, thalamus and basal ganglia appears to be responsible for the development of agrammatic aphasia in PPAOS. Study supported by: NIHDisclosure: Dr. Whitwell has nothing to disclose. Dr. Duffy has nothing to disclose. Dr. Strand has nothing to disclose. Dr. Machulda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Clark has nothing to disclose. Dr. Senjem has nothing to disclose. Dr. Spychalla has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jack has received personal compensation for activities with Janssen Research & Development, LLC by providing consulting services. Dr. Jack has received research support from the National Institutes of Health (R01-AG011378, RO1-AG041851, RO1-AG037551. Dr. Josephs has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 19 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ER -