TY - T1的睡眠脑电图临床前阿尔茨海默病的变化:一个试点研究(P5.176) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - P5.176盟索尼娅舒茨的非盟-安德鲁·巴尔加盟首页-科里·金盟艾玛Ducca AU -玛格丽特Wohlleber AU -克利夫顿刘易斯盟Girardin jean - louis AU - Indu Ayappa盟大卫拉波波特AU -里卡多·奥索里奥盟海伦Scharfman Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P5.176.abstract N2 -目的:评估睡眠脑电图异常的临床前阿尔茨海默病(AD)背景:广告与癫痫发作的发病率增加,从小鼠模型和证据表明,癫痫样的活动可以发生在任何神经病理或行为变化。这表明皮层易怒可能代表的早期生物标志物广告,特别是在睡眠时发作的患病率更高比清醒在癫痫患者痫性放电。本研究的目的是调查睡眠脑电图异常的存在在认知正常的老年人有或没有神经退行性疾病就是明证广告脑脊液生物标记。设计/方法:认知正常的老年人参与者(n = 21, CDR = 0)不睡觉的投诉都来自纽约大学医学院的老化研究。所有参与者接受了一个晚上,full-montage脑电图记录审查临床神经生理学痫性放电和异常放缓。脑脊液总τ(t-tau)磷酸化τ(p-tau),并使用ELISA Abeta42进行了分析。CSF截止值定义基于从199名参与者有或没有一个单独的数据集广告(年龄60 - 80)。结果:23.8 (percnt)参与者的峰值在睡眠期间,19 [percnt]额颞叶放缓和9.5 (percnt)有轻微的广义放缓。异常脑电图的发现的可能性大约是两倍与积极参与者脑脊液生物标志物相比,个人- CSF生物标志物(71.4 (percnt)和35.7 (percnt),分别)。关于绝对脑脊液生物标志物的水平,没有Abeta42和t-tau水平不同,但有一个趋势p-tau水平较高的参与者与异常脑电图(平均47.2 pg / mL和42.5 pg / mL, p =。)。 CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study shows that individuals with CSF biomarkers suggestive of preclinical AD have a higher incidence of EEG abnormalities during sleep than those without. Conversely, EEG abnormalities were moderately predictive of elevated p-tau levels.Disclosure: Dr. Schütz has nothing to disclose. Dr. Varga has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kam has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ducca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wohlleber has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lewis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jean-Louis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ayappa has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rapoport has nothing to disclose. Dr. Osorio has nothing to disclose. Dr. Scharfman has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ER -