TY - T1的生物标志物确认阿尔茨海默氏症表现为遗忘,患失语症,和视觉变体:海马体积比较(I12.009) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - I12.009盟Alissa屁股AU -玛丽Machulda AU -约瑟夫·达菲盟Edythe链非盟-丹尼尔Drubach AU -斯科首页特Przybelski AU -罗纳德·彼得森AU -克利福德杰克AU - Val劳盟-基思·约瑟夫AU -珍妮弗Whitwell Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/I12.009.abstract N2 -背景:阿尔茨海默病(AD)可能存在典型的遗忘临床综合征(“遗忘”),或非典型的后与初级视觉皮层萎缩赤字(“视觉”)或logopenic原发性进行性失语的主要语言障碍(“失语症”)。很少有研究直接比较大脑结构特征在这些变异的阿尔茨海默氏症。目的:我们假设海马体积将更小的遗忘组与失语症患者和视觉组相比,反映贫困内存性能。方法:七十七遗忘参与者匹配50失语症的参与者和27个视觉参与者年龄,教育和性别。所有科目显示积极的β-淀粉样蛋白沉积在匹兹堡化合物B(加以宠物,使用标准摄入值比率定义(SUVR)≥1.5。海马体积计算使用FreeSurfer和颅内总额进行调整。主题还完成了记忆力测试。结果:视觉组SUVR略高(p = 0.046)。失语症患者组较短的疾病持续时间(p = 0.004)。尽管如此,遗忘组小左,右,和合并后的海马体积(p & lt; 0.001). The Aphasic and Visual groups performed better than the Amnestic group on all memory measures. The Aphasic and Visual groups did not differ from one another on memory performances. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that despite being similar amyloid pathology, brain topography, e.g., hippocampal atrophy, corresponds to the clinical presentation. Future work on cortical thickness differences among these groups may provide additional information regarding differential brain region compromise. Study supported by: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicable Disorders R01 DC010367; Mayo Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center NIA P50 AG 16574Disclosure: Dr. Butts has nothing to disclose. Dr. Machulda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Duffy has nothing to disclose. Dr. Strand has nothing to disclose. Dr. Drubach has received research support from Allon Therapeutics. Dr. Przybelski has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ronald Petersen received personal compensation from Pfizer, Inc., Janssen Alzheimer's Immunotherapy. Merck, inc. Roche, Inc. Genentech, Inc. Biogen, Inc. Eli Lilly and Co. as a consultant or speaker. Dr. Jack has received personal compensation for activities with Janssen Research & Development, LLC by providing consulting services. Dr. Jack has received research support from the National Institutes of Health (R01-AG011378, RO1-AG041851, RO1-AG037551. Dr. Lowe has received personal compensation for activities with Bayer Pharmaceuticals as a consultant. Dr. Josephs has nothing to disclose. Dr. Whitwell has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 1:00 pm-5:30 pm ER -