TY -的T1低体温与Clobazam使用成人癫痫(P6.351) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - P6.351盟安吉拉Gauthier AU -伊首页姆兰Quraishi盟理查德•马特森Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P6.351.abstract N2 -目的:报告的低体温与Clobazam成年癫痫患者。背景:苯二氮卓类通常只有轻微的副作用,但他们偶尔与体温过低特别是老年人或很年轻。1,Clobazam 5-benzodiazepine FDA批准2011年,从未与这个不利影响,直到最近,在一个涉及两个小儿癫痫患者的病例报告。方法:通过临床病历的记录审核。结果:病人是一个58岁男性的发育迟缓,左轻偏瘫,吞咽困难,高血压,躁狂抑郁精神病,但尿潴留,抽搐的癫痫自3岁暗示Lennox-Gastaut综合症。他每月发作发生几次,通常在集群。他的药物包括苯妥英(200毫克/天),levetiracetam(3000毫克/天),氯硝西泮(1毫克/天),氟西汀(30毫克/天),喹硫平(100毫克/天),氨氯地平(10毫克/天)和阿司匹林(81毫克/天)。Clobazam发起在5毫克/天增加到10毫克一个月后。最初控制癫痫发作。几个月后开始clobazam,病人开始开发的低体温每几个星期,温度从90°F - 95°F。 Normothermia was achieved with Bair Hugger therapy. TSH and cortisol levels were normal, and there was no evidence of infection in most instances. After 10 episodes of hypothermia, clobazam was tapered to 5 mg bid for a week because its benefit was unclear. The patient experienced 1 more episode of hypothermia during this time. Ever since clobazam was completely discontinued 7 months ago, there have been no more episodes of hypothermia. Conclusions: This case report describes several episodes of hypothermia associated with clobazam use in an adult patient, which stopped after the drug was discontinued. Future studies of hypothermia with correlated drug levels are warranted to further explore this association.Disclosure: Dr. Gauthier has nothing to disclose. Dr. Quraishi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mattson has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 21 2016, 8:30 am-5:30 pm ER -