TY -的T1的相关性VGKC-Positivity没有LGI1和Caspr2抗体(P5.336) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - P5.336盟艾格尼丝Sonderen AU -马可S首页chreurs盟Marienke De Bruijn AU -高市早Boukhrissi盟剧中Nagtzaam AU -以斯帖Hulsenboom盟Roelien恩庭AU -罗兰Thijs AU -保罗Wirtz AU -彼得Sillevis Smitt AU - Maarten Titulaer Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P5.336.abstract N2 -目的:本研究评估的临床意义积极VGKC-test病人缺乏抗体LGI1 / Caspr2。背景:电压门控离子通道(VGKC)复杂抗体边缘脑炎患者的最初发现,neuromyotonia莫氏综合症或。在2010年,它被发现,抗体不是指向VGKC本身,但相关的蛋白质:LGI1或Caspr2。然而,相当一部分VGKC-positive病人缺乏抗体。这是第一个研究比较这些患者匹配VGKC-negative病人。方法:VGKC-positive患者检测LGI1 / Caspr2抗体。患者缺乏抗体都匹配(1:2)年龄、性别和临床综合征VGKC-negative病人。临床和paraclinical标准建立了自身免疫性炎症。这些标准被用来盲目确定证据自身免疫性炎症在两组的每一位病人。患者无果VGKC-titer以同样的方式进行分析。 Results: 1455 patients were tested by VGKC-radioimmunoassay. 56 patients tested positive, of which 50 patients were available to include. 25 patients had antibodies to LGI1 (n=19) or Caspr2 (n=6) and 25 patients lacked both antibodies. These patients were matched to 50 VGKC-negative control patients. Evidence for autoimmune inflammation was present in 28[percnt] of the VGKC-positive patients lacking LGI1/Caspr2 antibodies, compared to 18[percnt] of the VGKC-negative controls (p=0.38). Evidence for autoimmune inflammation was mainly found in patients with limbic encephalitis/encephalomyelitis (57[percnt]), but not in other clinical phenotypes (5[percnt], p<0.01). VGKC-titers were significantly higher in patients with antibodies to LGI1 or Caspr2 (p<0.001), but antibodies to Caspr2 could also be detected in patients with inconclusive low VGKC-titer. Conclusions: VGKC-positivity in the absence of antibodies to LGI1/Caspr2 is not a marker for autoimmune inflammation and seems not to contribute in clinical practice. No cut-off value for the VGKC-titer was appropriate to discriminate between patients with and without autoimmune inflammation.Disclosure: Dr. Sonderen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schreurs has nothing to disclose. Dr. De Bruijn has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boukhrissi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nagtzaam has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hulsenboom has nothing to disclose. Dr. Enting has nothing to disclose. Dr. Thijs has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wirtz has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sillevis Smitt has nothing to disclose. Dr. Titulaer has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ER -