TY - T1的脑组织中钠浓度神经病学临床孤立综合征(S41.007) JF -乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - S41.007盟Niamh考利盟Bhavana Solanky A首页U -弗兰普拉多盟莎拉Collorone AU -塞巴斯蒂安Ourselin盟克劳迪娅甘迪尼Wheeler David Miller - Kingshott AU -艾哈迈德Toosy盟盟-艾伦·汤普森盟奥尔加Ciccarelli Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/S41.007.abstract N2 -背景:总钠浓度增加,这可能反映了神经退化,复发患者的大脑已经证明了汇款,次要进步和主要进展型多发性硬化症(MS)。然而,它仍然是未知的,如果增加钠在主题呈现临床孤立综合征(CIS)。目的:本研究的目的是评估的总钠浓度正常白质,大脑皮层灰质,灰质和T2病灶与CIS患者。方法:我们招募了16个CIS (8 f: 8米),平均年龄33.5(±7.3)年起3个月内症状出现和10个健康对照组(6 f: 4米),平均年龄34.20岁(±7.1)。患者平均eds 1.0(范围1.0 - 2.0)。五个独联体受试者异常MRI在基线。定量总钠MRI表现在所有科目使用3 t扫描仪。线性回归模型被用来比较组调整年龄和性别差异。结果:增加钠浓度被认为在T2病灶与正常白质出现在独联体科目(±45.2毫米±8.322毫米和35.1毫米6.2毫米,p = 0.019)。钠浓度增加的趋势的正常白质(±35.1毫米±6.2毫米和32.5毫米2.5毫米,p = 0.058),大脑皮层灰质(±45.4毫米±4.0毫米和42.4毫米2.7毫米,p = 0.189)和深部灰质(±36.8毫米±2.9毫米和35.5毫米3.2毫米,p = 0.108)在CIS患者相比,控制。 Conclusion: Despite a small cohort (recruitment is ongoing), this study extends the findings of increased sodium concentration in MS to people with CIS. Increased total sodium levels could potentially be used as a biomarker of neuroaxonal dysfunction and loss at the onset of a first demyelinating event, and may be useful in predicting conversion to MS and future disability in patients with a CIS.Disclosure: Dr. Cawley has nothing to disclose. Dr. Solanky has nothing to disclose. Dr. Prados has nothing to disclose. Dr. Collorone has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ourselin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gandini Wheeler – Kingshott has nothing to disclose. Dr. Toosy has received personal compensation for activities with Biogen Idec. Dr. Miller has nothing to disclose. Dr. Thompson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ciccarelli has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis, Biogen and GE as a consultant.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm ER -