TY -的T1 Recoverin抗体:眼科,肿瘤神经学意义(P6.131) JF -乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补首页充SP - P6.131盟阿方索洛佩兹AU -安德鲁·麦肯盟-丹尼尔物等非盟-肖恩Pittock AU -何塞Pulido AU -拉斯科莫罗夫斯基盟-马修Roforth AU -好几个带屏幕雷蒙德家伙盟沃尔夫冈•迈耶Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P6.131.abstract N2 -目的:评估recoverin抗体作为多种视网膜病变的生物标记。背景:炎症性眼炎(视神经炎,视网膜炎和vitreitis)和小细胞癌是经典CRMP-5多种自身免疫性的选择。抗体针对recoverin (23 kDa钙结合感光蛋白),虽然与多种视网膜病变和肿瘤有关,没有发现在梅奥诊所CRMP-5免疫球蛋白眼炎队列(交叉等,2003)。设计/方法:患者33 CRMP-5 IgG-negative自身免疫性视网膜病变(梅奥诊所,2001 - 2011),其中9≥1发现肿瘤(腺癌,7;神经内分泌肿瘤,3(小细胞癌,2;1),胸腺瘤,1;黑色素瘤,1)和154例对照进行了测试,在研究的基础上,对recoverin血清抗体的重组行免疫测定(Euroimmun)。控制包括:神经病人,116 (non-ophthalmic多种障碍,94;其他疾病,20); SLE patients without neurologic manifestations, 20; and healthy subjects, 20. RESULTS: Recoverin antibody was detected in no controls and 2/33 retinopathy patients (6[percnt]); both were men with painless vision loss, detected 2-4 months before cancer detection. Patient 1, an 85 year-old smoker, progressed to light perception only bilaterally within 1 month. Small cell lung carcinoma was detected. Patient 2, a 66 year old non-smoker, had insidious progression of vision loss, ataxia and myelopathy (and also harbored P/Q- and N-type calcium channel antibodies). Metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoma was detected. Both patients had bilateral optic nerve and retinal atrophy (non-inflammatory appearing) and flat electroretinograms. Neither patient had vision improvements despite cancer treatment and immunotherapy; both died from cancer within 2 years of diagnosis. During clinical evaluation, 25/33 retinopathy patients (including patients 1 and 2) were tested for recoverin antibody in an outside laboratory, and were reported negative in all but patient 1. CONCLUSIONS: Recoverin antibody seems specific for neuroendocrine carcinoma-associated retinopathy, and 2 of 3 patients with that disease-combination were positive. A larger paraneoplastic ophthalmopathy study may be informative.Disclosure: Dr. Lopez has nothing to disclose. Dr. McKeon has received research support from Medimmune. Dr. Lachance has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pittock has received (royalty or license fee or contractual rights) payments from Peripherin-Specific Autoantibodies as a Marker for Neurological and Endocrinological Disease. Dr. Pulido has nothing to disclose. Dr. Komorowski has received personal compensation for activities with EuroImmun AG as an employee. Dr. Roforth has nothing to disclose. Dr. Iezzi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meyer has received personal compensation for activities with employee of Euroimmun Inc. as an employee.Thursday, April 21 2016, 8:30 am-5:30 pm ER -