PT期刊文章AU -奥马尔·艾哈迈德盟Carine毛雷尔AU -莫妮卡安妮Faye Villegas盟Codrin Lungu哈雷特盟——马克TI -功能运动障碍的调查在美国国立卫生研究院(P1.073) DP - 2016年4月05 TA -神经病学PG - P1.073 VI - 86 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - http://n首页所以Neurology2016 4月05;86 AB -目的:更好的描述功能运动障碍的临床表现。背景:功能性(心因性)运动障碍正在接受更大的注意力有效和可治疗神经系统疾病。不幸的是,经常与可变长串的演讲可能会妨碍及时诊断和治疗。方法:我们回顾了113年病人的回顾性图表展示美国国立卫生研究院。病人被称为从44个州和哥伦比亚特区,大多数当地华盛顿市区。大多数患者诊断的临床病史和神经系统检查,专门为注意力分散,entrainabilty和可变性的动作。生理测试,包括与平均,脑电图和肌电图加权地震分析,瞬目反射测试和配对联想刺激时使用最后的诊断是模棱两可的。结果:病例中,最常见的临床症状是震颤(45 [percnt])、步态障碍(42 [percnt]),肌阵挛(36 [percnt])和肌张力障碍(35 [percnt])。是司空见惯的患者呈现症状的组合,在继承(变形从一个到另一个症状),交替症状,或同时发生。 Interestingly, the most common associated feature was having a family member with a neurologic disorder, occurring in 58[percnt] of patients. Not all neurologic disorders in family members were movement disorders, as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and stroke were commonly seen. Other common features noted were a history of anxiety (26[percnt]), depression (32[percnt]), physical, emotional, or sexual abuse (17[percnt]), being involved in a motor vehicle accident (12[percnt]), or a history of cervical or lumbar spine pathology (21[percnt]). Some patients were members of the healthcare field (12[percnt]) and many patients reported applying for disability (21[percnt]) with varying success. RESULTS: From the data presented, it is apparent that certain patterns do emerge from this seemingly variable disorder. More work is needed to better characterize the clinical presentation of functional movement disorders.Disclosure: Dr. Ahmad has nothing to disclose. Dr. Maurer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Villegas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lungu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hallett has nothing to disclose.Saturday, April 16 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm