TY -的T1的临床效用Sudoscan作为帕金森病的生物标志物与路易小体(P5.364) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 86 - 16补充SP - P5.364盟尼Gabilondo AU - Beatriz Tijero Meri首页no盟基本上冈萨雷斯AU -玛丽安Acera盟Veronica Llorens AU -耶稣Gardeazabal盟玛丽亚罗萨里奥Luquin AU - Mar Carmona盟胡安·卡洛斯·戈麦斯Esteban Y1 - 2016/04/05 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/86/16_Supplement/P5.364.abstract N2 -目的:描述催汗的功能及其协会自主功能和PD的临床变量E46K突变携带者(E46K-SNCA)、特发性帕金森病(iPD),与路易体痴呆(下文)和健康对照组(HC)。背景:磷酸化α-突触核蛋白(路易小体,磅和路易探明),帕金森病的病理特点,据报道在小周围神经。SUDOSCAN是一种非侵入性的设备,已经证明了其检测催汗的功能障碍的能力。然而,我们仍然不知道它的协会心脏MIBG闪烁扫描法和PD的临床措施。方法:我们评价横向比较48性别/年龄匹配的参与者:n = 7 E46K-SNCA[4电机帕金森症,1 2咳嗽晕厥和无症状),n = 19 iPD, n = 3路易体痴呆n = 19 HC。我们获得:电化学皮肤电导的手(HESC)和脚(FESC);心肌/纵隔摄取比值(H / M) (n = 12 iPD,所有E46K-SNCA n = 2路易体痴呆n = 1 HC);心率和血压变化;SCOPA-AUT问卷和尤因测试;PD症状(UPDRS, Hoehn Yahr和认知)。 Results: Symptomatic E46K-SNCA and DLB had lower HESC (E46K-SNCA: 62.4; DLB: 57.7; iPD: 69.7; HC: 71.2 us) (p ≤ 0.05) and FESC (E46K-SNCA: 70.4; DLB: 68.7; iPD: 74.4; HC: 74.5 us) (p above 0.05). Higher HESC asymmetry correlated with increased disease duration and L-Dopa levels. Lower HESC and FESC were associated to lower early MIBG H/M uptake and lower Valsalva ratio in patients (p<0.05), and this remained significant for FESC after removing the effect of disease duration and L-Dopa levels. Conclusions: Patients with PD had sudomotor dysfunction in hands and feet that was more severe in LB synucleinopathies (DLB and E46K-SNCA mutation). This sudomotor dysfunction was associated to myocardial sympathetic denervation and cardiovagal dysfunction even after removing the effect of disease duration and L-Dopa. These findings support the potential utility of Sudoscan as a biomarker of peripheral autonomic nervous system damage in PD with LB.Disclosure: Dr. Gabilondo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tijero has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gonzalez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Acera has nothing to disclose. Dr. Llorens has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gardeazabal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Luquin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Carmona has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gomez Esteban has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 20 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm ER -