PT -期刊文章盟-尼尔Graff-Radford盟-大卫·琼斯盟托马斯-杰弗瑞甘特盟科琳AU -茱莉亚骗子盟-布拉德利Boeve盟David Knopman AU -克利福德杰克盟罗纳德·彼得森TI -患者的患病率和预后心室扩大(P4.034) DP - 2016年4月05 TA -神经病学PG - P4.034 VI - 86 IP - 16补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页4.034.full所以Neurology2016 4月05;86 AB -目的:Ventriculomegaly associates随着年龄的增长,退化性疾病、血管和先天性因素。梅奥诊所研究衰老的,基于人口的研究开始于2004年,包括非精神错乱的人70到89每15个月。我们评估了ventriculomegaly患病率和认知和步态的预后。方法:我们回顾了1794年基线ventriculomegaly核磁共振成像,大脑皮层萎缩,紧沟,裹入沟,白质改变。一个埃文斯指数≥0.3定义的心室扩大。我们确定了三组:脑积水没有萎缩(H),脑积水前真空(HEV)和控制(C)。我们比较组基线和利率的变化对GaitRite措施,定时25脚走路,统一帕金森病评定量表步态物品和认知措施(注意力、语言、记忆和视觉空间的和全球的分数),和基线血管危险负担。结果:H患病率为8.9 (percnt)和戊肝病毒5.7 [percnt]。H是常见的男性比女性(11.7 [percnt]) (5.8 [percnt])。比例的基线步态UPDRS scores> 1高H (p = 0.036)和戊肝病毒比控制(p = 0.028)。 Annualized change in timed gait and global GaitRite were also higher in H (p=0.07 and 0.002) and HEV (p=0.001 and p=0.001). After 7 years , the proportion with gait UPDR>1 increased from 35 to 70[percnt] in H, 45 to 80[percnt] in HEV, and 25 to 45[percnt] in controls. Baseline cognitive scores were all significantly lower in H (all p≤0.006) and HEV (all p≤0.018). Cognitive decline rate was faster in H (p<0.001), but not in HEV (p=0.16). Vascular disease burden was more common in H (p=0.048) but not HEV (p=0.13). Conclusions: Ventriculomegaly is common in persons over 70 (8.9[percnt]), more common in men (11.7[percnt]), and associated with gait abnormality, cognitive impairment and decline of both. It is associated with vascular risk burden. These associations indicate ventriculomegaly may be an important biomarker of quality of life.Disclosure: Dr. Graff-Radford has received personal compensation for activities with Codman as a Scientific Advisory Board member and Cytox as a consultant. Dr. Jones has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gunter has nothing to disclose. Dr. Thomas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Crook has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boeve has received personal compensation for activities with Isis Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Boeve has received research support from GE Healthcare and FORUM Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Knopman has received personal compensation for activities with Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Knopman has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology. Dr. Knopman has received research support from Lilly Pharmaceuticals and Ta Dr. Jack has received personal compensation for activities with Janssen Research & Development, LLC by providing consulting services. Dr. Jack has received research support from the National Institutes of Health (R01-AG011378, RO1-AG041851, RO1-AG037551. Dr. Ronald Petersen received personal compensation from Pfizer, Inc., Janssen Alzheimer's Immunotherapy. Merck, inc. Roche, Inc. Genentech, Inc. Biogen, Inc. Eli Lilly and Co. as a consultant or speaker.Tuesday, April 19 2016, 8:30 am-7:00 pm