PT -期刊文章AU -马里亚纳Moscovich AU -阿德里亚娜莫罗AU -雷纳托穆尼奥斯AU -沃尔特·阿鲁达盟-赫利奥阿方索Teive AU -劳拉Silveira-Moriyama TI -嗅觉在脊髓小脑的共济失调型10 (P6.395) DP - 2016年4月05 TA -神经病学PG - P6.395 VI - 86 IP - 16补充4099 - //首页P6.395.short 4100 - //所以Neurology2016 4月05;86 AB -的主要临床表现脊髓小脑的共济失调(SCA)由于小脑的参与及其传入和传出连接。先前的研究已经表明嗅觉赤字在不同形式的运动失调SCA2、Friedreich共济失调(FA)和小群体的多样化的病因学性共济失调。然而,没有人显示,脊髓小脑的嗅觉赤字共济失调型10 (SCA10)。在这项研究中使用的验证版本气味识别测试棒嗅探(SS-16)来测试这些患者的嗅觉。我们评估60常染色体显性基因共济失调患者证实,包括与SCA10 30 SCA3患者和30。这些患者与30例帕金森病(PD)患者和100名健康对照组。人口数据收集,所有患者接受了一个完整的神经系统检查和莎拉规模和MMSE被应用。结果:分别共济失调组相比,不存在一个嗅觉赤字与PD患者和对照相比,然而当患者分组SCA10 SCA3,障碍是很有意义的。也有显著性能SS16和认知能力之间的联系,以及重大关联SS16得分和年龄。 This study confirms previous findings of mild hyposmia in patients with ataxia, and further suggests that this may be due to general cognitive deficits rather than specific olfactory problems.Disclosure: Dr. moscovich has nothing to disclose. Dr. Moro has nothing to disclose. Dr. Munhoz has nothing to disclose. Dr. Arruda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Teive has nothing to disclose. Dr. Silveira-Moriyama has received personal compensation for activities with Teva Lundabeck, Parkinson's UK, UCB, Genus, and Abbott.Thursday, April 21 2016, 8:30 am-5:30 pm