TY - T1的残疾状况影响因素在研究基线前女士(P05.098) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P05.098 LP - P05.098六世- 78 - 1补充AU -霍华德Zwibel AU首页 -帕特丽夏Coyle盟Merrikay Oleen-Burkey AU -道格拉斯Denney Y1 - 2012/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P05.098.abstract N2 -目的:评估残疾状态的相关性特征的参与者在治疗优化女士(MS)研究在基线。背景的参与者女士被治疗疾病修饰治疗(DMT)登记和自我报告的一系列残疾的eds的0到8。设计/方法:潜在参与者顶部女士研究发现与药物疗法专业药房管理计划。签署知情同意表格返回到药店和研究研究网站登记注销生产指令。在基线和定期在24个月,注册参与者收到提醒对调查作出回应。自我报告的反应是直接进入到研究数据库。结果:意味着自我eds基线前女士更完备的队列(n = 531) 3.0 + 2.5。多年来的残疾得分与年龄显著相关(皮尔逊相关性(R):。;p < .001), duration of disease (R: .290; p < .001), time since diagnosis (R: .267; p < .001), and duration of DMT treatment (R: .095; p = .04). These factors remained significantly correlated with disability even after controlling for patient age. Additionally, the baseline disability score was significantly correlated with the baseline fatigue severity score (FSS) (R: .545; p < .001), perceived deficits score (PDQ) (R: .418; p < 0.001), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ) (R: .385; p < .0001), the Short-Form-12 (SF-12) Physical (R: -.743; p < .001) and Mental (R: -.202; p < .001) component scores, and assorted measures of work loss time and usual activity impairment (all p < .001).Conclusions: The self-reported MS disability measure at baseline in the TOP MS study is performing well, independent of patient age, and is significantly correlated with several patient-reported measures of fatigue, cognitive deficits, depression, quality of life and work and usual activity performance.Supported by: Teva Pharmaceuticals.Disclosure: Dr. Zwibel has received personal compensation for activities with Serono, Inc., and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Zwibel has received research support from Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda Therapeutics, Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Biogen Idec, Genzyme Corporation, Novartis, Questcor, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for NEURA. Dr. Coyle has received research support from Serono, Inc., Novartis, and Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Oleen-Burkey has received personal compensation for activities with Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Oleen-Burkey holds stock and/or stock options in Pfizer, Inc and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Oleen-Burkey has received research support from Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Denney has received personal compensation for activities with Teva Neuroscience Inc. as a consultant.Dr. Denney has received research support from Serono Inc.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 14:00 pm-19:00 pm ER -