RT期刊文章SR电子T1西尼罗河病毒神经感染性疾病:萨斯喀彻温省的经验(P04.001)摩根富林明神经学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P04.001 OP P04.001 VO 80是7补充A首页1 Edris Haghir A1何塞泰雷兹Zenteno A1加里·亨特A1莉兹白Hernandez-Ronquillo年2013 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/P04.001.abstract AB目的:分析的模式分布和西尼罗河病毒神经感染性疾病的临床表现,在萨斯喀彻温省最大的疾病暴发期间,加拿大。背景:西尼罗河病毒(WN)是一种节肢动物传播的病毒同属黄病毒属。人类感染的主要途径是通过受感染的蚊子叮咬。大约有80%的西尼罗河病毒感染人类保持无症状,但神经感染性疾病发生在不到1%的感染者,并且可以严重甚至致命。设计/方法:本研究回顾与西尼罗河病毒神经感染性疾病病例的临床资料(WNND)监测报告的计划在2007年的萨斯卡通卫生区域。总共357例报道。神经感染性疾病是由积极的血清学和中枢神经系统症状使用标准的加拿大公共卫生署提供的标准。结果:57例完成WNND的标准。平均年龄是55 + 15.7。30 9(68%)是女性。9例(16%)患者露营之前报道的症状。最常见的症状是:44(77%)热,35(61%)颤抖,31(54%)恶心、25(43.9%)头痛。 The most common neurological manifestations were: confusion in 24 (42%), meningitis 23 (40.4%), encephalitis 17 (29.8%), encephalopathy 14 (24.6%), meningoencephalitis 11 (19.3%), tremor 10 (17.5%), acute flaccid paralysis 10 (17.5%), myoclonus 1 (1.8%), nystagmus 2 (3.5%), diplopia 2(3.5%), dizziness 2(3.5%). Three patients died (5%). CSF, and imaging findings will be discussed.CONCLUSIONS: During a year of high incidence of disease in Saskatchewan, 16% of cases developed West Nile neuroinvasive disease, but the outcome can be severe and persistent. Establishing the epidemiology and risk factors of neuroinvasive disease will be helpful in developing preventative strategies.Disclosure: Dr. Haghir has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernández-Ronquillo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hunter has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernández-Ronquillo has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 7:30 am-12:00 pm