TY -的T1高身体质量指数预测脑出血后的更好的结果(P02.207) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P02.207 LP - P02.207六世- 78 - 1补充非盟-尼尔·罗森博格盟风暴Liebling A首页U -安德鲁Naidech Y1 - 2012/04/24 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P02.207.abstract N2 -目的:探讨体重指数(BMI)之间的关系和功能结果脑出血后(我)。背景虽然超重和肥胖增加全因死亡率在普通人群中,高BMI与低死亡率的条件,包括我。我们测试了我的假设,高BMI与更好的功能结果,除了死亡。我们也评估是否体重不足或血清白蛋白解释结果的差异。设计/方法:患者我们前瞻性地确定我和每个病人的记录我的分数和改良Rankin分数(夫人)90天。可怜的结果被定义为夫人4 - 6(或死亡)的依赖。我们电子检索BMI和白蛋白水平。我们使用逻辑回归来评估这些变量对结果的影响,t比较方法,线性回归与白蛋白和BMI。结果:我们确定了119名患者(49%男性,平均年龄为66.8±14.1年)谁BMI和3月结果评估。好的结果患者有较高的BMI(30.8±7.6公斤/ m²)比那些可怜的结果(25.0±6.0公斤/ m², P = 0.0017)。在单变量分析中,高BMI(或每公斤/ 0.91 m², 95%可信区间0.86 - -0.97)和更高的白蛋白(或0.40 g / dL, 95%可信区间0.18 - -0.86)与好结果有关,而高我得分(-15.34或6.97,95% CI 3.16)与贫穷有关的结果。在多变量分析中考虑这三个变量,我的分数和BMI仍然显著。 Results were similar when the 9 underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m²) subjects were excluded. Albumin levels and BMI were not associated (r=0.13, P=0.25).Conclusions: We build on previous data by demonstrating that higher BMI is associated with better long-term functional outcomes after ICH, independent of other proven predictors. This association was not explained by underweight or hypoalbuminemia. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanism.Disclosure: Dr. Rosenberg has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liebling has nothing to disclose. Dr. Naidech has received research support from Gaymar Inc.Tuesday, April 24 2012, 07:30 am-12:00 pm ER -