PT -期刊文章盟Jackeline二AU -尼法昆盟安娜贝尔Chade盟的特蕾莎修女Torralva AU -玛丽亚Roca TI -比较患者的认知功能的帕金森病和额颞叶痴呆行为变异(P07.192) DP - 2012年4月26日TA -神经病学PG - P07.192 P07.192 VI - 78 IP - 1补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页_Supplement/P07.192.full所以Neurology2012 4月26日;78 AB -目的:本研究的目的是确定是否有显著差异在性能之间的帕金森病(PD)患者和一个行为变异的额颞痴呆(bvFTD)在认知任务,此前与额叶。背景中的执行功能障碍早期PD主要归因于cortico-striatal循环的中断连接基底神经节和额叶。然而,这是完全不清楚这些执行赤字反映PD皮质(额)或皮层下(纹状体)病理。这个问题的一个可能的方法是比较性能在额叶和执行任务之间的早期PD患者和一群患者主要fronto-cortical病理学,如额颞痴呆的行为变异。设计/方法:一组患者PD (n = 33)与一组患者bvFTD (n = 35)在一个电池组成的额lobe-dependent功能。Results: Patients with bvFDT performed significantly worse than patients with PD in tests of cognitive flexibility (p= 0.01), set shifting (Trail B p<0.01), Theory of the Mind (p<0.01), Multitasking (p<0.01) and decision making (p<0.01).Conclusions: Even though both groups of patients showed deficits in executive and frontal tasks, cognitive performance differed, with bvFTDpatients showing a significantly lower performance than patients with PD.Disclosure: Dr. Sturla has nothing to disclose. Dr. Manes has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chade has nothing to disclose. Dr. Torralva has nothing to disclose. Dr. Roca has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 26 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm