@article {Graff-RadfordP02.047作者={乔纳森Graff-Radford和约瑟夫·达菲和Edythe链和基思·约瑟夫},title = {Agrammatic震颤麻痹,Logopenic变体原发性进行性失语(P02.047)},体积={78}={1}补充数量,页面= {P02.047——P02.047} ={2012},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={程度的帕金森病的目的:比较两个变量的原发性进行性失语(PPA)。首页背景PPA这个词意味着神经退行性疾病,其特征是失语症、缺乏早期认知障碍。三个变体都承认,PPA-agrammatic PPA-semantic PPA-logopenic,与每个变体的语言障碍的不同模式。很少有研究评估帕金森病在PPA变体。设计/方法:评价帕金森病运动障碍Society-sponsored修订完成的统一帕金森{\ textquoteright}年代疾病量表前瞻性招募PPA科目。所有受试者诊断通过语言病理学家之间的共识和神经学家。在与Mann-Whitney U测试组进行比较。结果:23 PPA受试者被诊断出患有PPA-logopenic (n = 11)或PPA-agrammatic (n = 12)。在疾病持续时间没有明显差异(PPA-agrammatic = 3.4年;PPA-logopenic = 3.3年)或发病年龄(PPA-agrammatic = 67.3;PPA-logopenic = 62.0),但这些细微精神状态检查与PPA-logopenic更认知障碍(21.7/30分与26.1/30; p=0.04). Results showed those with PPA-logopenic had fewer parkinsonian features than PPA-agrammatic (5.7/130 vs. 16.8/130; p = 0.003) which was mainly driven by bradykinesia (p=0.02) and rigidity (p=0.06), but not by gait and posture, or tremor.Conclusions: PPA-agrammatic subjects have more parkinsonian features than PPA-logopenic subjects when matched for disease duration. Given worse cognitive scores in the PPA-logopenic subjects, our results are unlikely driven by disease severity. Instead, the findings most likely reflect underlying tau pathologies in PPA-agrammatic subjects as opposed to Alzheimer{\textquoteright}s disease in the PPA-logopenic subjects.Supported by: Dr. Josephs is funded by NIH R01-DC010367 (PI), R01-AG037491 (PI), R21-AG38736 (Co-I), and the Dana Foundation (PI).Disclosure: Dr. Graff-Radford has nothing to disclose. Dr. Duffy has received personal compensation for activities with Mosby Elsevier. Dr. Strand has nothing to disclose. Dr. Josephs has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 24 2012, 07:30 am-12:00 pm}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P02.047}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }