TY - T1的频率和演示的多个病理参加老年痴呆症患者的临床试验(S04.006) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S04.006 LP - S04.006六世- 78 - 1补充AU - Bing魏王盟-艾伦陆盟伊恩·r·a·麦肯齐盟——米歇尔·亚萨合首页盟——克劳迪娅Jacova AU -菲利普·李盟- b·林恩·比蒂盟成立Ging-Yuek Y1 - 2012/04/24 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/S04.006.abstract N2 -目的:确定频率的多个病理患者参加临床试验,阿尔茨海默病(AD)治疗和患者之间的认知和功能评估比较纯粹的广告和广告+其他病理。背景中的多个病理痴呆患病率越来越认识到在临床实践中,估计超过50%的病人在社区居住。我们假设混合病理学也可能参加老年痴呆症临床试验的患者中发现,这样的病人可能有不同的临床表现与那些纯广告病理学。设计/方法:我们进行了一项回顾性分析患者参加广告治疗临床试验在过去9年在我们的诊所,并随后收到尸检确认诊断。人口结构、串行执行认知筛查和功能评定量表(FRS)收集。数值型变量被Kruskall-Wallis相比测试和分类变量Fisher精确检验。结果:尸检报告死亡患者的16/47 (34%)。这些16个病人,5纯广告(31%),10例(63%)有多个病理血管和广告(广告+ +路易体)和1 (6%)non-AD病理学(Argyrophilic谷物疾病)。Compared to patients with pure AD, patients with multiple pathology were generally older, had poorer baseline FRS in problem solving (p<0.01) and community affairs (p=0.02), and generally lower cognitive score on presentation.Conclusions: Despite strict enrollment criteria for clinical trials, multiple pathology was more common than pure AD in autopsied patients. Diagnostic criteria identified the presence of AD pathology in 15/16 (94%) but did not rule out co-existing diseases. Premortem biomarkers that can distinguish between pure AD and AD with multiple pathology will be highly beneficial in future clinical trials and dementia patient management.Disclosure: Dr. Wang has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mackenzie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Assaly has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jacova has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lee has received personal compensation for activities with Janssen-Ortho, Novartis and Pfizer. Dr. Beattie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hsiung has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 24 2012, 13:00 pm-14:45 pm ER -