RT期刊文章SR电子T1患上痴呆的风险在人拒绝参与认知老化的纵向研究(P01.083)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P01.083 OP P01.083 VO 78是1补充A1 David Knopman A1玫瑰花蕾罗伯茨A1弗农Pa首页nkratz说道A1 Yonas Geda A1米歇尔Mielke A1露丝Cha A1布拉德利Boeve A1 Eric Tangalos A1沃尔特·罗卡A1罗纳德·彼得森年2012 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P01.083.abstract AB目的:研究事件痴呆的速度未参加者在认知老化的研究。招聘方法的背景与更大的限制,同时在流行病学研究可能涉及相当大一部分的潜在主题。世界性的事件痴呆率是未知的。设计/方法:梅奥诊所研究衰老的是事件的人群研究MCI和痴呆。在2004年,我们随机招募受试者在70 - 89岁来自奥姆斯特德县,MN。4398潜在的参与者,2050年同意进行现场评估。这些参与者随后亲自重新评估,每15个月;随后的追踪损失∼10%在每个访问。有1679名受试者拒绝任何牵连最初接触的时候。其中,161名受试者也拒绝授权使用医疗记录研究或没有信息;40在基线患有老年痴呆症。 In 2009, a trained nurse abstractor reviewed the medical records from the Rochester Epidemiology Project records-linkage system of the 1,478 non-participants to measure their risk of dementia.Results: Over the median 5.1 years between initial contact and medical record review (IQR 2.9-6.0 years), the incidence of dementia in non-participants standardized by age and sex to the population of Olmsted Co, MN was 33.4 per 1000 person-years. Incident dementia in non-participants increased with advancing age and was similar in men and women. By contrast, the standardized incidence rate was 19.1 per 1000 person-years in participants who attended all follow-up visits, and 20.6 per 1000 person-years if we included the medical record diagnoses of those initial participants who subsequently dropped out.Conclusions: Persons who declined to participate in a study of cognitive aging had an incidence of dementia more than 50% higher than participants. The decision to not participate in an epidemiological research project was itself a risk factor for future cognitive decline.Supported by: U01 AG06786, P50 AG16574, K01 AG028573, R01 AG034676, Robert H. and Clarice Smith and Abigail Van Buren Alzheimer's Disease Research Program.Disclosure: Dr. Knopman has received personal compensation for activities with Lilly Pharmaceuticals as a data safety monitoring board member. Dr. Knopman has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology. Dr. Knopman has received research support from Elan, Forest, and Baxter. Dr. Roberts has received research support from Abbott Laboratories. Dr. Pankratz has received research support from Abbott Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Geda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mielke has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cha has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boeve has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tangalos has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis, Amgen Inc, Eli Lilly & Company and Omnicare as a consultant and/or participant on data safety monitoring board or committees. Dr. Tangalos has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for MD Net Guide. Dr. Tangalos holds stock and/or stock options in Johnson & Johnson. Dr. Tangalos has received research support from Baxter Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Rocca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Petersen has received personal compensation for activities with Pfizer, Inc., Janssen Alzheimer's Immunotherapy, Elan Pharmaceuticals, and GE Healthcare.Monday, April 23 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm