RT期刊文章SR电子T1作用的维生素D胃蠕动的胃轻瘫患者炎性肠神经病变(P05.198)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P05.198 OP P05.198 VO 78是1补充A1阿卡纳基达A1 V。首页Vedanarayanan A1雅娜妮可缇娜A1迈克尔·格里斯沃尔德A1 Thomas Abell 2012年UL //www.ez-admanager.com/conten首页t/78/1_Supplement/P05.198.abstract AB目的:1。研究维生素D水平之间的关系和胃蠕动胃轻瘫患者(GP)炎症性肠神经病变(起居室)2。Prevalance低维生素D水平的GP患者IENBackground观看是一个医生的原因,特点是存在炎症细胞的肌间神经丛。胃肠蠕动障碍发生损失的神经支配和额外的因素,如缺乏微量元素发挥作用。维生素D是重要的维持正常骨骼肌肌肉和力量。设计/方法:50连续9特发性胃轻瘫患者从起居室进行了研究。症状评分,胃排空时间,包括维生素D测定维生素水平。维生素D水平与胃排空时间。结果:11个59的患者糖尿病(DM)。 1'25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 levels were low in all (38.68±25.05 ng/ml), lower in DM (30.02±. The first hour gastric emptying correlated inversely with vitamin D levels (sl= -0.34)95% confidence interval -0.64, -0.03; p =0.033). The correlation was weaker with the 4 hour gastric emptying ( sl= -0.28, 95% confidence interval -0.61, to 0.04; p=0.086).Conclusions: Vitamin D levels correlate with efficiency of gastric emptying in patients with GP from IEN, and correction of vitamin D deficiency in these patients will improve their gastrointestinal motility and symptoms related to it.Disclosure: Dr. Kedar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vedanarayanan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nikitina has nothing to disclose. Dr. Griswold has nothing to disclose. Dr. Abell has received personal compensation for activities with Medtronic Inc as an instructor, licensor and consultant.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 14:00 pm-19:00 pm