TY - T1的敏感性定量映射:初始经验多发性硬化病变特征(P03.058) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P03.058 LP - P03.058六世- 78 - 1补充AU -陈胖子AU -约瑟夫Comunale盟-苏珊Gauthier盟琳达私人非盟-田刘首页盟Apostolos Tsiouris AU -易王Y1 - 2012/04/24 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P03.058.abstract N2 -目的:评估量化易感性映射(QSM)可以作为生物标志物在多发性硬化(MS)患者和提供一个独立的病变特征在t2加权像上常见(T2WI)。背景虽然T2WI用于支持和确认女士的临床诊断,T2 hyperintensity可能表明脱髓鞘和/或水肿。之前的研究表明,铁沉积与髓鞘脱失有关,但通常不会在T2WI赞赏。因为QSM铁沉积敏感,我们假设QSM女士可能会提供一个新颖的和独立的生物标志物在病变特征。设计/方法:我们回顾了181年连续16白质病变确诊MS患者(年龄= 41±7 M / F = 4/12)收购协议包括T2W和QSM序列。确定病变T2W和QSM图像大小和信号强度评估。差异进行评估与学习任务。结果:共有181个病变在T2WI,发现了130(72%)在QSM。病变大小QSM明显小于在T2WI(术中,0.05)。QSM病变通常是位于白质,展示了两种不同的模式:(一)102(78%)病变出现isointense (0 ppm & lt;易感性& lt; 0.05ppm) and (b) 28(22%) lesions appeared hyperintensity (susceptibility>0.05ppm) compared to cortical gray matter. The size discrepancy was expected, since edema is hyperintense on T2WI but not on QSM. The increased signal on QSM lesions may be explained by the loss of myelin, whose susceptibility is usually negative. However, demyelination alone is unable to explain the strong paramagnetism seen in type (b) lesions, whose susceptibility is higher than cortical gray matter. In these lesions, iron may be responsible for the signal change. Further investigation may include correlation with clinical symptoms, spatial distribution of lesions, and global alternation in susceptibility value.Conclusions: MS lesions are smaller in size and demonstrate two distinct patterns on QSM when compared to routine T2WI.Disclosure: Dr. Chen has nothing to disclose. Dr. Comunale has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gauthier has received personal compensation for activities with Teva Neuroscience, Biogen Idec, Pfizer Inc, and Serono, Inc. as consultant. Dr. Gauthier has received research support from Biogen Idec, Pfizer Inc, and Serono, Inc. Dr. Heier has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liu has received personal compensation for activities with MedImageMetric LL as an employee. Dr. Tsiouris has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wang holds stock and/or stock options in MedImageMetric LLC.Tuesday, April 24 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm ER -