TY -的T1 -有扩散病变体积确定急性缺血性血管内再灌注治疗的病人是徒劳的吗?(P05.213) JF -神首页经学乔-神经病学SP - P05.213 LP - P05.213六世- 78 - 1补充AU -迈克尔Ho AU -清浩盟大卫Liebeskind AU -西德尼·斯达克曼盟Latisha阿里AU - Reza贾汗AU -加里Duckwiler盟费尔南多Vinuela盟Satoshi Tateshima AU -保罗胡蜂属非盟Noriko班子AU -杰弗里节省Y1 - 2012/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P05.213.abstract N2 -目的:确定是否有扩散病变体积标识患者血管内血管再通的追求将是徒劳的。背景扩散病灶体积72 cc的建议作为一个贫穷的临界阈值结果与血管内治疗的患者血管再通治疗在缺血性中风在3 - 8小时窗口中,但是没有先前的研究检验了这个或任何其他阈值确定是否病人将无法从再灌注疗法中获益,因为他们即使reperfused恶性结果。设计/方法:在前瞻性维护数据库中,我们分析了连续病人血管内再灌注治疗学术医学中心2004 - 2010。入选标准是18岁以上,磁共振成像进行干预之前,和血管内血管再通治疗。ROC曲线分析用来确定预处理醉酒驾车,最优预测不良结果(5 - 6夫人,极端的发病率或死亡率)的病人在出院再灌注(TICI 2 a - 3)。结果:在126例会议入口准则、平均年龄是66(17)和61.1%(77/126)是女性。实质性的再灌注是达到77.8%(98/126)的患者再灌注,其中40.8%(40/98)有恶性结果夫人(5 - 6)。ROC分析确定了醉酒驾车体积最大的敏感性和特异性结合预测恶性结果尽管再灌注25 cc (c统计= 0.71)。这个阈值阳性预测值为68.6%(24/35)的恶性结果。醉酒驾车体积最大的阳性预测值的预测恶性结果尽管再灌注是30毫升,PPV为73.3% (22/30)。结论:大预处理扩散病变体积强烈预测未能实现再灌注血管内血管再通治疗。然而,不到1/3的患者MCA之间已经妥协,不醉酒驾车体积损伤阈值识别病人注定徒劳的结果。披露:Ho博士没有披露。郝博士没有披露。 Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for activities with Concentric Medical, Inc. and CoAxia, Inc. as a consultant. Dr. Starkman has received research support from the National Institute of Health, Lundbeck, Mitsubishi, and NTI. Dr. Ali has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jahan has received personal compensation for activities with ev3 Inc. as a consultant. Dr. Duckwiler has received personal compensation for activities with Concentric Medical and Ev3 Medical. Dr. Vinuela has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tateshima has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vespa has received personal compensation for activities with The Medicines Company, Edge, Intouch, GE, C3O as a speaker and/or consultant. Dr. Vespa has received research support from Concentric Medical, Genentech, Inc., Ekos Corp., National Institutes of Health, State of California, and Viasys. Dr. Salamon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation for activities with BrainsGate, CoAxia, ev3, Talecris, PhotoThera, and Sygnis. Dr. Saver has received research support from the NIH, ev3, and Concentric.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 14:00 pm-19:00 pm ER -