TY - T1的因素决定吡斯的明反应或类固醇治疗重症肌无力(P04.096) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P04.096 LP - P04.096六世- 78 - 1补充AU -玛卡瑞娜卡布瑞拉塞拉诺AU -尤兰达Morgado盟首页索尼娅·贝尼特斯AU -卡门Paradas洛佩兹Y1 - 2012/04/25 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P04.096.abstract N2 -目的:识别因素影响肌无力的患者抗胆碱酯酶的反应或类固醇治疗。背景一线治疗肌无力是类固醇。有些病人没有反应,需要切换到非甾体类免疫抑制剂。吡斯的明产生症状的好处,虽然经常不完整,需要添加免疫抑制剂。提前识别病人不可能应对类固醇,和那些可能有一个完整的响应吡斯的明将有助于避免不必要的类固醇治疗,防止副作用和节省时间。设计/方法:患者诊断自身免疫性肌无力接受吡斯的明或类固醇是唯一治疗肌无力回顾性招募了至少3个月。年龄、性别、分布的症状,共病情况,自身抗体滴定度,肌电图结果和合并施打β受体阻断剂,苯二氮卓类或beta-agonists作为响应的预测研究吡斯的明或强的松。结果:九十五名患者被纳入研究。59例患者评估应对吡斯的明和73 -强的松。43患者眼部肌无力(OM)和52广义肌无力(通用)。年龄、性别、共病情况,抗体滴定度,肌电图的结果,和苯二氮卓类没有相关回应吡斯的明或强的松。OM患者更有可能有一个完整的响应比通用吡斯的明(p = 0.02)。患者β受体阻断剂不太可能对吡斯的明(p = 0.01)。 Patients on beta-agonists showed a trend to a better response to pyridostigmine, although not significant. Beta-blockers did not modify the response to prednisone.Conclusions: OM is more like to have a complete response to pyridostigmine than GM. In light of this, initiating therapy with pyridostigmine alone should be stressed for OM. Beta-blockers seem to have a negative impact on the response to pyridostigmine but not to prednisone. We suggest that Beta-blockers should be avoided when possible in patients with myasthenia treated only with pyridostigmine. If beta-blockers are necessary, inmunosuppression should not be delayed.Disclosure: Dr. Cabrera Serrano has nothing to disclose. Dr. Morgado has nothing to disclose. Dr. Benitez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Paradas Lopez has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 07:30 am-12:00 pm ER -