RT期刊文章SR电子T1为什么双边丘脑下的刺激诱导帕金森症患者的认知能力下降?乔(S52.005)摩根富首页林明神经学神经病学FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP S52.005 OP S52.005 VO 78是1补充A1中翻滚A1小薇吉妮Czernecki A1迈克尔Schupbach A1他萨拉Fernandez-Vidal A1 Carine卡拉奇A1孤独纳瓦罗A1菲利普角A1伯纳德Pidoux A1 Luc锤A1迪迪埃Dormont A1玛丽Vidailhet A1大卫Grabli A1 anne - Marie帽子A1是被A1 jean - Luc Houeto A1 Eric Bardinet A1杰罗姆Yelnik A1 Yves Agid年2012 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/S52.005.abstract AB目的:理解为什么有些PD病人STN-HFS后今年开发了一个认知能力下降。背景STN-HFS是有效缓解帕金森运动迹象。然而,一些病人开发手术后认知功能的下降。设计/方法:在02/1996和07/2009,309 PD患者GHPS STN-HFS的操作。手术后患者评估之前和一年:1)神经心理学和精神测试,2)3)帕金森残疾量表(UPDRS部分我VI)。刺激接触得到的精确位置使用一个可调的三维图谱基底神经节。刺激参数和左旋多巴等效剂量被报道。voxel-based-morphometry也进行术前MRI的病人。术后认知功能减退被定义为减少超过1 SD mdr手术后一年和/或mdr < 130。PD患者和没有与学生的认知能力下降比较t测试连续变量和费舍尔的确切的测试分类变量。结果:二百年54个患者被纳入最后的统计分析。45(21日5%)提出了一个减少mdr超过6分(n = 31)和/或mdr得分低于130 (n = 14)。 No statistical difference in the preoperative clinical characteristics was found between PD patients with vs without postoperative cognitive decline. Patients with postoperative cognitive decline presented a higher rate of postoperative confusion and/or psychiatric troubles. They showed a lower improvement in parkinsonian motor disability and activities of daily living with STN-HFS. The decrease in antiparkinsonian treatment and levodopa-induced complications was not different between the two patients groups. In patients with cognitive decline, the stimulating contacts were located more posteriorly and ventrally, and the frequency of stimulation was lower.Conclusions: STN-HFS may be deleterious for cognitive function, in particular when located in the more ventral part of the STN, thought to process cognitive and emotional information.Disclosure: Dr. Welter has nothing to disclose. Dr. Czernecki has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schupbach has received personal compensation for activities with Medtronic, Inc. and Lundbeck. Dr. Fernandez-Vidal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Karachi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Navarro has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cornu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pidoux has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mallet has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dormont has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vidailhet has nothing to disclose. Dr. Grabli has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bonnet has nothing to disclose. Dr. Belaid has nothing to disclose. Dr. Houeto has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bardinet has nothing to disclose. Dr. Yelnik has nothing to disclose. Dr. Agid has nothing to disclose. Thursday, April 26 2012, 15:00 pm-16:30 pm