TY -的T1神经心理学相关Logopenic壁萎缩的进行性失语(P02.029) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P02.029 LP - P02.029六世- 78 - 1补充AU -玛丽Machulda AU -珍妮首页弗Whitwell盟-帕梅拉·迪恩盟杰基米克尔赖特AU -约瑟夫·达菲盟Edythe链非盟-基思·约瑟夫Y1 - 2012/04/24 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P02.029.abstract N2 -目的:检查顶叶萎缩之间的关系和视觉空间/ visuoconstructional Logopenic能力进步的失语症(LPA)。背景LPA的特点是受损的单字原图检索和重复的句子和短语。它与左后perisylvian或壁萎缩和低灌注或代谢减退在这些地区SPECT和PET。尽管已知顶叶参与,没有研究到目前为止,研究了视觉空间的功能在这个人口。设计/方法:15受试者年龄在49至83年,招聘作为一个更大的演讲和语言障碍的研究,获得了共识诊断LPA的两个语言病理学家。参与者完成了Rey-Osterrieth复杂图测试(仅Rey-O,复制试验)和视觉对象的多维数据集分析分测验和空间知觉电池(VOSP)。受试者接受了扫描3 t。我们使用SPM5检查Rey-O和VOSP表演之间的关系和灰质体积。Results: Lower Rey-O performances were associated with reduced gray matter volume in medial and lateral parietal and occipital regions, left > right (p < .01, FDR). Initial analyses of the VOSP Cube test revealed that lower performances were associated with reduced gray matter volume in parietal and occipital regions bilaterally (left > right), and scattered areas of the temporal and posterior frontal lobes bilaterally (p < .001, uncorrected). However, none of these findings survived correction for multiple comparisons (p< .05, FDR).Conclusions: Cognitive impairment affecting visuospatial function has not been emphasized in LPA. We found that subjects with LPA experience impairment in visuospatial and visuoconstructional abilities that is associated with gray matter loss in posterior brain regions, left greater than right. The stronger findings with the Rey-O may reflect the greater demands that this task places on higher-order visuospatial planning and organization.Supported by: NIH/NIDCD R01-DC010367-02.Disclosure: Dr. Machulda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Whitwell has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dean has nothing to disclose. Dr. Micklewright has nothing to disclose. Dr. Duffy has nothing to disclose. Dr. Strand has nothing to disclose. Dr. Josephs has nothing to disclose.Tuesday, April 24 2012, 07:30 am-12:00 pm ER -