% 0期刊文章% Norbert Schuff %一个凯瑟琳吴%香农巴克利%豫章% Kenneth Marek约翰Seibyl % % T分布,减少大脑组织在帕金森病:帕金森病的扩散张量成像研究进展标记倡议(S22.003) % D J神经病学2012% % P S22.003-S22.003 % V 78% N 1补充% X目的:确定系统的退化脑显微结构的完整性在帕金森病(PD)可以检测到扩散张量成像(DTI)在国际多中心设置(帕金森进展标记倡议,PPMI)。首页背景PPMI是一个具有里程碑意义的临床研究旨在确定PD进展的生物标志物。在这里,我们报告初步调查的DTI PD患者和对照组之间的差异。设计/方法:DTI数据得到15个新创PD患者(年龄:61.5±8.6年,10人,5女)和23个对照组(16人,年龄:57.8±12.7年,女性7日)从6个不同MRI网站(奥地利、德国、美国)和集中处理和分析。PD患者平均赤字22±6分的UPDRS运动第三部分规模和Hoehn Yahr分段2或更少。此外,PD患者和控制在蒙特利尔认知评估中得分相对(MoCA)。的DTI总结测量分数各向异性(FA)是评价voxel-by-voxel实现区域性无偏评估、地图后演变成规范化为一组脑图谱空间分析。结果:PD患者显示显著(p < 0.05修正为多个比较)。足总减少附近的右辅助运动区和左感觉运动和初级运动区。英足总削减占后,这些大脑区域依然显著年龄和性别差异。与PD、年龄与FA减少后扣带纤维束。结论:研究结果表明,PD与特征相关联的模式减少显微结构的完整性,包括运动控制的地区。 Furthermore, this pattern of FA reduction is different from the one associated primarily with aging and potentially has diagnostic value. The results further demonstrate that DTI alterations in PD can be measured in a multicenter setting.Supported by: The Michael J Fox foundation for Parkinson's Research.Disclosure: Dr. Schuff has received research support from Eisai-Pfizer, Sanofi, adn Neurochem. Dr. Wu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Buckley has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zhang has nothing to disclose. Dr. Seibyl has received personal compensation for activities with Bayer Healthcare and GE healthcare as a consultant. Dr. Seibyl holds stock and/or stock options in Molecular Neuroimaging. Dr. Marek holds stock and/or stock options in Molecular Neuroimaging, which sponsored research in which Dr. Marek was involved as an investigator.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 14:00 pm-15:45 pm %U