PT -期刊文章盟-李文黄盟记戴盟-大卫·奥尔索普盟狮子座沃森AU -沙龙Inouye盟Tamara方TI -胆碱能和认知功能的评估在健康的年轻成年人使用药物手语灌注磁共振成像(S29.003) DP - 2012年4月25日TA -神经病学PG - S29.003 S29.003 VI - 78 IP - 1补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页ent/S29.003.full所以Neurology2012 4月25日;78 AB -目的:检查胆碱能系统使用药物体内动脉spin-labeling (ASL)灌注磁共振成像。背景体内成像的胆碱能功能有可能促进我们理解它在认知的重要作用。药理学磁共振成像,通过检查脑血流量的变化(CBF)药品监督管理局后,可以阐明生理解剖高分辨率影响体内胆碱能调制的认知影响,从而联系到特定的解剖结构。设计/方法:健康的年轻成年人参加了一项随机、安慰剂对照交叉研究(n = 15)。经历了四个药理条件(安慰剂,四甲双环庚胺、莨菪碱、四甲双环庚胺+莨菪碱)在四个独立的日子。手语扫描得到的药物浓度峰值和认知与神经心理学评估电池性能。SPM是用来识别区域的显著改变CBF至少1800像素点的集群。认知能力和重复测量方差分析进行了分析。Results: With scopolamine, CBF was decreased bilaterally in thalamus, frontal cortex, and supplementary motor area and increased in occipital cortex, postcentral gyrus, insula, hippocampus, and superior temporal pole (corrected p-value<0.05). With combined cholinergic blockade compared to either medication alone, CBF was decreased in left basal ganglia (corrected p-value<0.05). Compared to placebo, participants performed worse on memory (Selective Reminding Test, p<0.01) and visual attention (Trails B, p<0.05) with scopolamine.Conclusions: These results confirm previous findings of decreased frontal and thalamic perfusion and cognitive deficits with scopolamine and reveal other areas implicated in cognition with cholinergically modulated blood flow, suggesting that ASL may be more sensitive to the perfusion changes under study. The cognitive impairments with cholinergic antagonism, including impaired attention and encoding, are consistent with disruption of the attention network (eg. frontal cortex, supplementary motor area, thalamus, basal ganglia). Likewise memory deficits could result from disruptions of known memory structures (eg. hippocampus) or decreased activity of inhibitory thalamic projections to cortical structures.Supported by: This project was funded by the American Federation for Aging Research Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) Program, NIH/NIA grants T35AG038027, T32AG023480, K23AG031320, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Research Fellowship at Harvard Medical School, and the American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Summer Research Scholarship.Disclosure: Dr. Huang has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dai has nothing to disclose. Dr. Alsop has nothing to disclose. Dr. Waterston has nothing to disclose. Dr. Inouye has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fong has nothing to disclose.Wednesday, April 25 2012, 14:00 pm-15:45 pm