TY - T1的三级保健中心的经验与中枢神经系统血管炎(CNSV) (P07.016) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P07.016 LP - P07.016六世- 78 - 1补充Nidhi Gupta盟盟- Faw首页az Al-Mufti盟:David Harris -帕特丽夏Coyle盟盟-卡伦曼迪盟本尼金Y1 - 2012/04/26 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/78/1_Supplement/P07.016.abstract N2 -目的:探讨中枢神经系统血管炎三级保健脑血管中心服务人口150万。中风的背景CNSV是一种罕见的和不明确的原因(3 - 5%)有限的可用中风的病例分析在现代管理。设计/方法:案例系列包括案件编码为脑动脉炎石溪大学医院2009年3月至2011年10月。包含criteria-Acute出现神经系统异常血管造影引导设置多个节段在两个或两个以上的中枢神经系统血管变窄。结果:11例编码为脑动脉炎,男性4和7 13到88岁之间的女性,CNSV满足我们的标准。2例非洲裔美国人和9白种人。共病情况包括吸烟、吸毒、肝炎、糖尿病、HTN, CKD,慢性阻塞性肺病和cyclical-vomiting-syndrome。演讲包括癫痫- 36%(4/11)和中风- 63%(7/11)和28%(2/7)出血性和缺血性,71%(5/7)没有开发出血性转换观察期间。主要CNSV占54%(6/11),27%(4/11)有系统性血管炎(2-SLE和1-Monoclonal-gammopathy和1-infectious动脉炎)和9%(1/11)有Reversible-Cerebral-Vasoconstriction综合症。诊断方法包括脑血管造影术在54% (6/11),MRA在63%(7/11),计算机断层血管造影在27%(3/11),和大脑/ leptomeningeal活检在18%(2/11)的病例。双边脑血管介入在54%(6/11),其中66%的小学和33%的系统性。治疗是急性的逆转血管收缩引起的神经系统症状和免疫调节。 45%(5/11) were transferred to acute rehabilitation facilities, 36%(4/11) discharged home, with a mortality of 18%(2/11). Outcome: Recurrence-18%(2/11)and complete resolution of angiographic vasculitis pattern-18%(2/11).Conclusions: Primary CNSV was more common than systemic CNSV, with stroke being the most common presentation followed by seizures. MRA and cerebral angiography were the most common diagnostic modalities. Our review points out the need for further prospective studies to allow for more systematic data collection and to better evaluate and manage CNSV patients.Supported by: Stony Brook University Hospital.Disclosure: Dr. Al-Mufti has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gupta has nothing to disclose. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda Therapeutics, Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Biogen Idec, Genzyme Corporation, Novartis, Questcor, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Teva Neuroscience. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for NEURA. Dr. Coyle has received research support from Serono, Inc., Novartis, and Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Harris has nothing to disclose. Dr. Medin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kim has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 26 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm ER -