% 0期刊文章% Elena Martinez-Lapiscina %一个圣地亚哥Ortiz-Perez %尼Gabilondo %一个阿尔伯特Saiz Elena Fraga-Pumar % % Bernardo Sanchez-Dalmau % Pablo Villoslada % T视网膜炎症的生物标志物在多发性硬化疾病活动(P04.133) % D J神经病学2013% % P P04.133-P04.133 % V 80% N % X 7补充目的:评价炎症性视网膜病变和临床之间的联系和成像参数的多发性硬化(MS)患者的疾病活动。首页背景:视网膜静脉周炎(RP)和microcystic黄斑水肿(MME)中确定MS患者可能代表击穿blood-retinal-barrier由于视网膜炎症的RP和居里夫人与复发相关的女士和更大的残疾,分别。我们假设他们可能被视为生物标志物MS.DESIGN /方法:连续100年医学患者(69名女性;41.35±9.54年;38急性视神经炎的历史(AON)]进行了神经和眼科检查。病变负载使用T1MPRAGE量化序列(3 t-mri)。使用Spectralis-OCT 10月进行了研究。RNFL-thickness被认为是平均值的双眼no-AON-patients AON-patients,影响眼睛的值。我们比较eds, RNFL-thickness体积T1-MPRAGE病变患者和无视网膜病变。探索措施后视网膜表型,我们发现差异主要是由于RP组。因此,我们估计multivariable-adjusted(性别、年龄和疾病持续时间)的这些参数RP患者和患者不使用一般线性模型视网膜病变。结果:7例有视网膜病变(5与RP和2的居里夫人)。 Patients with retinopathy had higher unadjusted-mean of T1 lesion volume (19,322±16228mm3 vs 9,926±10,696mm3; p=0.033) and lower RNFL thickness (77.71±13.70μm vs 93.27±12.60μm; p=0.002). We found a trend of higher mean EDSS for retinopathy group. Patients with RP showed higher adjusted-mean of T1 lesion volume [20,049 95%CI: 10,293-29,805 vs. 9596 95%CI: 7,272-11,920); p=0.039] and lower adjusted-mean of RNFL-thickness [79.22 95%CI: 68.32-90.12 vs. 92.58 95%CI: 89.99-95.18 p=0.018] than patients without retinopathy. Also, RP patients a not significantly higher EDSS [2.23 95%CI: 1.23-3.22 vs. 1.98 95%CI: 1.75-2.22; p=0.633].CONCLUSIONS: Retinal inflammation, especially RP, was more frequent in patients with more active disease and higher axonal damage supporting its role as biomarker of disease activity in MS.Disclosure: Dr. Martínez-Lapiscina has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ortiz-Perez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gabilondo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fraga-Pumar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Saiz has received personal compensation for activities with Bayer-Schering, Merck-Serono, Biogen Idec, Sanofi-Aventis, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd and Novartis as consultant and speaker. Dr. Sanchez-Dalmau has nothing to disclose. Dr. Villoslada has received personal compensation for activities with Heidelberg Engineering, Novartis, Roche, Digna Biotech, Neurotec Pharma, and Bionure Pharma. Dr. Villoslada received research support from Novartis, Roche and Digna Biotech.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 7:30 am-12:00 pm %U