TY - T1的纵向变化尾在帕金森病多巴胺处理:Multi-Tracer宠物神经学研究(S33.005) JF -乔-神经病学SP - S33.005 LP - S33.005六世- 80 - 7补充AU - Nandhagopal Ramachandiran 首页AU -迈克尔·舒尔茨AU -丽莎Kuramoto盟杰奎琳·克拉格AU -维斯纳Sossi盟劳尔de la Fuente-Fernandez AU - A Stoessl Y1 - 2013/02/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/S33.005.abstract N2 -目的:探讨尾状的进化多巴胺处理零星的帕金森病(PD)的发展。背景:帕金森病是一种进行性疾病特性梯度的多巴胺功能障碍(比尾状核更影响)。我们最近发现,多巴胺处理的补偿机制的核下降PD的进展和可能导致疾病进展。然而,纵向的多巴胺帕金森尾状的变化尚不清楚。设计/方法:PD科目(n = 78)和健康对照组(n = 35)接受multi-tracer正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描使用多巴胺突触前标记如下:1)c [11] (±) dihydrotetrabenazine (DTBZ)估计的密度水泡2型(VMAT 2)单胺转运体;2)[11 c] d-threo-methylphenidate,将多巴胺转运体(DAT);和3)6 - [18 f] -fluoro-L-dopa评估纹状体合成左旋多巴和多巴胺吸收。受试者扫描在初始后再次访问和4和8年的随访。非线性多元回归分析与随机效应,形成sKocc (t)或sBPND (t) = a * e (-bt-dA) + c (sKocc =标准化吸收常数;sBPND =标准化绑定潜力;a, b, c, d是常数; t=symptom duration; A=age at symptom onset) were utilized to model the temporal changes in the more affected caudate standardized to healthy control values.RESULTS: The study comprised a total of 679 PET scans. We found evidence for upregulation of FD uptake when compared to DTBZ and MP binding in the more severely affected caudate throughout the disease course.CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the compensatory strategy viz. upregulation of dopamine synthesis in the caudate persists throughout the PD course. Although striatal serotonergic neurons (more reduced in the parkinsonian caudate than putamen) could also process FD, the consistent upregulation of caudate FD uptake indicates that the temporal course of dopamine processing in the caudate differs from that of putamen, where this compensatory strategy breaks down in the advanced disease.Supported by: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, and the Canada Research Chairs.Disclosure: Dr. Ramachandiran has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schulzer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kuramoto has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cragg has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sossi has nothing to disclose. Dr. de la Fuente-Fernández has nothing to disclose. Dr. Stoessl has received personal compensation for activities with Biovail and Advisor Novartis as speaker.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 4:00 pm-5:30 pm ER -