TY - T1的早期Ipsilesional海马萎缩后发生前和后循环中风(P06.052) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P06.052 LP - P06.052六世- 80 - 7补充AU -艾米Brodtmann AU -希斯Pardoe盟盟齐力-埃首页米利奥了AU -奥黛丽Raffelt AU -托比Cumming Y1 - 2013/02/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/P06.052.abstract N2 -目的:我们假设海马萎缩后会发生前和后循环梗死。背景:有证据表明,一些大脑区域,尤其是海马,卒中后出现萎缩。我们有报道中风后的变化时期一群患者大脑中动脉中风,并寻求以证实这些发现在一群前瞻性招募前和后循环中风患者。设计/方法:急性缺血性中风患者出现症状后40天内和3个月。健康控制参与者也在基线成像和3个月。3 d MPRAGE图像被收购西门子三3 t磁共振扫描仪(TE = 2.55毫秒,TI = 900毫秒,TR = 1900毫秒,翻转角度= 9º,体元= 1毫米各向同性)。图像处理与默认设置使用Freesurfer V 5.1。病人完成了记忆评估(霍普金斯言语学习Test-Revised)在两个时间点。我们比较基线和3月平均区域皮质厚度和海马体积,计算个体变化百分比分数。Ipsilesional和contralesional结果分别进行了分析。也改变分数计算内存性能。配对样本t被用来评估重大改变。结果:16个中风患者包括(14人; 9 left; mean age=66.9±8.7, range 53-82 years; years of education 15±4, range 9-24 years; mean NIHSS 3.5±2.5, range 1-10; 3 LACI, 6 PACI, 7 POCI) and 10 healthy controls (5 men, mean age 67.2±3; years of education 11±5). A significant decrease in ipsilesional, but not contralesional, hippocampal volume was found (p = 0.043). This was found in patients with both anterior and posterior circulation strokes. No significant changes in cortical thickness or in memory performance were identified.CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we found that ipsilesional hippocampal atrophy occurs in the subacute post-stroke period in patients with both anterior and posterior circulation stroke, even in the absence of early memory decline.Supported by: NHMRC, Sidney & Fiona Myer Foundation, Wicking Trust, Brain Foundation, Collie Trust.Disclosure: Dr. Brodtmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pardoe has nothing to disclose. Dr. Li has nothing to disclose. Dr. Werden has nothing to disclose. Dr. Raffelt has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cumming has nothing to disclose.Thursday, March 21 2013, 7:30 am-12:00 pm ER -