% 0 Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht期刊文章% Mariangeles姿势% %一个特蕾莎修女Torralva巴勃罗·洛佩兹% %费尔南多多浪迪警官%一个费德里科•Quaglia % Marcelo Cetkovich %法昆阴间的% T人格在额颞叶痴呆(P07.173) % D J神经病学2012% % P P07.173-P07.173 % V 78% N 1补充% X目的:研究人格改变的患者诊断为行为变异的额颞叶痴呆(bvFTD)。首页背景变化的人格构成的一些bvFTD的早期迹象。虽然这些性格的变化一直在先前研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)和精神疾病,系统性研究FTD病人关于这个问题是稀缺的。设计/方法:16 bvFTD和19例患者的亲属广告完成了NEO-Pi-R问卷对人格特质在疾病的发病和当前的个性。NEO-PI-R域在病人组比较,以及不同的方面参与每个人格域。发病前的和病前成绩比较每组使用成对样本t测试。结果:有一个显著区别以往和当前在bvFTD病人人格外向性域(p = .024;重要的方面:自信、活动emotion-seeking),开放(p = .013;的想法),责任心(p <措施;能力、回忆、自律)。广告在神经质患者表现出显著差异(p <措施; anxiety, hostility, depression, impulsiveness and vulnerability), conscientiousness (p<.001; all facets) and extraversion (p<.01; assertiveness, activity).Conclusions: The pattern of personality changes in bvFTD differed from the observed in AD patients. This study reveals the importance of characterizing personality changes in bvFTD patients with solid tools such as the NEO-PI-R in order to contribute to the early diagnosis.Disclosure: Dr. Pose has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gleichgerrcht has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lopez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Torralva has nothing to disclose. Dr. Torrente has nothing to disclose. Dr. Quaglia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cetkovich has nothing to disclose. Dr. Manes has nothing to disclose.Thursday, April 26 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm %U