PT -期刊文章盟卡迈克尔欧文AU -谢京盟Baljeet辛格AU -埃文·弗莱彻盟Charles DeCarli TI -基线CSF淀粉样蛋白和τ与海马局部变化有关独立的海马体总额(PD1.002) DP - 2012年4月23日TA -神经病学PG - PD1.002 PD1.002 VI - 78 IP - 1补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页1_Supplement/PD1.002.full所以Neurology2012 4月23日;78 AB -目的:探索基线措施之间的联系的阿尔茨海默病(AD)的病理学和spatially-localized测量后续纵向海马萎缩。提出模型的背景广告,提升大脑淀粉样蛋白和磷酸化τ负担导致后续在海马神经元死亡和其他地区。然而,报道称,体内淀粉样蛋白和τ之间的关系,并从MRI海马总额,不一致。因为海马损伤广告遵循典型的空间发展,海马体的局部措施改变可能是更敏感的广告效果。设计/方法:168年的阿尔茨海默病的神经影像学参与者(48正常,73 MCI, 47个广告)收到大脑核磁共振在基线和为期一年的随访,随着基线测量淀粉样,总τ,磷酸化τ(p-tau)脑脊液(CSF)。海马体是划定半自动生成使用验证软件例程从核磁共振(手术导航技术)。相应的基线和随访海马表面一致,局部萎缩率估计为单独的表面点。海马局部成分分析(轨迹)总结整个人口的spatially-localized改变模式。线性回归模型使用基线CSF措施,年龄,性别,和多年的教育预测的本地化率海马萎缩,所总结的轨迹,和总海马体积。海马体总额是一个额外的预测模型局部萎缩。Results: Greater baseline total tau and phosphorylated tau burden, and lesser baseline amyloid burden, were associated with faster localized atrophy to the lateral hippocampus body, roughly corresponding to the CA1 sub-field preferentially damaged in AD (each p < .005). However, baseline amyloid, but not tau or p-tau, were associated with rate of total hippocampus volume change (each p<.007).Conclusions: Localized hippocampus change measures may be more strongly associated with AD-related pathology than total hippocampus volume change is.Supported by: Dana Foundation, NIH U01 AG024904, P30 AG010129, K01 AG 030514.Disclosure: Dr. Carmichael has nothing to disclose. Dr. Xie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Singh has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fletcher has received personal compensation for activities with Unilever. Dr. DeCarli has received personal compensation for activities wtih Merck Pharmaceutical, Avanir, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer as a consultant.Dr. DeCarli has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Alzheimer's Disease and Associated Disorders.Dr. DeCarli has received research support from Merck.Monday, April 23 2012, 14:00 pm-18:30 pm