TY - T1的临床、放射学和遗传的结果在一群50 Nonsyndromic和综合征患者Polymicrogyria (S25.005) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S25.005 LP - S25.005六世- 80 - 7补充盟迪娜Amrom盟-雅克·米肖德AU -格兰特米切尔盟E首页mmanuelle Lemyre盟安纳普尔纳峰Poduri AU -珍妮弗·帕特洛盟Vijay Ganesh AU -伯纳德•丹盟Giorgi Kuchukhidze AU -虹膜Unterberger盟尤金Trinka AU -尼古拉斯Deconinck盟-凯瑟琳·克利斯朵夫盟-布鲁诺Pichon AU -弗朗索瓦•Dubeau盟多娜泰拉·威廉Tampieri AU -特里Decarie盟Dobyns AU -弗雷德里克Andermann盟-克里斯托弗·沃尔什盟- Eva Andermann Y1 - 2013/02/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/S25.005.abstract N2 -目的:研究临床、放射学和基因数据在一群50 Nonsyndromic和综合征患者Polymicrogyria(体)。背景:体的常见临床特征包括癫痫、发育迟缓、oromotor障碍和运动障碍。体是皮质的畸形发展的特点是许多小脑回,可以归因于环境原因,单基因疾病与各种模式的继承,或染色体重组,通常是零星的。设计/方法:包含任何类型的体,排除证实先天性巨细胞病毒/弓形体病。我们进行了详细的回顾医疗记录;核型和/或全息和/或基因组SNP芯片;当显示与特定的基因分析。结果:我们研究了46个零星的病人和两个家庭有两个兄弟姐妹。他们的体模式是变量。24/50(48%)有关联的大脑畸形,包括结节性异位5/24、4/24头小畸型,胼胝体发育不全2/24,2/24脑干发育不全,hemimegalencephaly 2/24, 1/24焦皮质发育不良,1/24视交叉发育不全。10/50(20%)体的综合症。一个相互易位核型显示46,XY t (8; 22) (p23.1; p11.2)。 Of 27 CGH microarray results, 23 (85%) were normal. The detected CGH anomalies included a 22q11del, 1p36del, a 2p21del of unknown significance, and a 2p13.3-p16.3duplication. We fine mapped a subgroup of bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) patients to 2p16.1-p16.3. We identified a novel TUBB2B mutation in exon 4 in a sporadic patient with PMG and associated anomalies of the basal ganglia and brainstem; neither parent carried this mutation.CONCLUSIONS: Polymicrogyria is markedly heterogeneous. Our results support previous suggestions of PMG loci on chromosomes 22q11 and 1p36. We have narrowed a novel locus for BPP to 2p13.1-p16.3. These data can help to identify the causative genes located in these regions. We found a novel and de novo TUBB2B mutation in a patient with complex PMG. Identification of associated brain malformations and phenotypic anomalies can help to orient the genetic diagnosis.Supported by: Children's Hospital Boston (CHB), Division of Genetics; Réseau de Médecine Génétique Appliquée, Quebec.Disclosure: Dr. Amrom has nothing to disclose. Dr. Michaud has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mitchell has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lemyre has nothing to disclose. Dr. Poduri has nothing to disclose. Dr. Partlow has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ganesh has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kuchukhidze has nothing to disclose. Dr. Unterberger has nothing to disclose. Dr. Trinka has received personal compensation for activities with UCB Pharma, Eisai Inc., Sepracor, Medtronic, Inc., Pfizer, and Ever-Neuropharma. Dr. Trinka has received research support from UCB Pharma. Dr. Deconinck has nothing to disclose. Dr. Christophe has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pichon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dubeau has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tampieri has nothing to disclose. Dr. Decarie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dobyns has nothing to disclose. Dr. Andermann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Walsh has nothing to disclose. Dr. Andermann has receieved research support from UCB, Sunovion, and Santhera.Wednesday, March 20 2013, 2:00 pm-3:45 pm ER -