TY - T1的利用率Thrombolysis-Eligible中风患者的神经影像呈现社区和学术医院在一个大型城市地区(P05.234) JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - P05.234 LP - P05.234六世- 80 - 7补充AU -合作伙伴Sanossian AU -大卫Liebeskind盟-西德尼·斯达克曼AU -斯科特·首页汉密尔顿AU - j . Villablanca盟Jeffrey节省Y1 - 2013/02/12 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/80/7_Supplement/P05.234.abstract N2 -目的:我们试图描述成像模式使用紧急地和缺血性中风患者住院期间在一个大的地区在南加州。背景:Hyperacute中风患者呈现在一个时间窗口的资格溶栓(2小时内发病)迫切需要对成像,以及后续成像诊断确认。设计/方法:我们回顾了连续患者参加FAST-MAG,国立卫生研究院资助的3期研究院前硫酸镁与安慰剂发起2小时内出现在59社区和学术在洛杉矶和橙县医院。参与网站提供常规治疗患者和没有研究成像需求。结果:有1304个连续病例的931(72%)诊断为脑缺血(242临床TIA 688缺血性中风),318(24%)颅内出血和54(4%)中风模仿。初始成像于1244年CT(42 95%,包括灌注CT)和MRI在60 (5%)。同时从ED的到来比CT成像是更长的时间急性MRI(56和25分钟,p = 0.030)。642 931例(69%)患者最终录取期间收到的脑缺血的MRI诊断的534例(83%)显示病变扩散限制。大部分的核磁共振扫描没有获得迫切,在平均(SD) 21.0(20.9)和中值(差)18(7-27)小时后到来。Having a clinical syndrome lasting >24 hours was associated with a higher rate of positive diffusion on MRI (94% vs. 48%, p<0.0001). Of those who received perfusion CT, 26 (62%) were read as consistent with cerebral ischemia.CONCLUSIONS: In a sample of hospitals throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties over 90% of acute stroke patients presenting within 2 hours of symptom onset received non-contrast CT as their initial imaging modality with approximately 5% utilizing perfusion CT and MRI.Disclosure: Dr. Sanossian has received personal compensation for activities with Boehringer-Ingelheim as speaker. Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for activities with Concentric Medical, Inc. and CoAxia, Inc as a consultant. Dr. Starkman has received research support from the National Institutes of Health, Lundbeck, Mitsubishi, and NTI. Dr. Hamilton has nothing to disclose. Dr. Villablanca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation for activities with The University of California, Regents as a scientific consultant to BrainsGate, CoAxia, ev3, Talecris, PhotoThera, and Sygnis. Dr. Saver has received research support from the University of California, Regents,Wednesday, March 20 2013, 2:00 pm-7:00 pm ER -